Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dream Interpretation

My Sunday school boys were telling me about their dreams.

Ryan told me how he dreamt he got punched in his dream, and showed me the bruise.

Yes, he had a bruise exactly where he dreamt he got punched.

Marcus was shocked and commented that what happens in our dreams happens in real life, bringing up his own stories of similar experiences.

I replied by saying they could have been looking at it from the wrong direction.

Maybe it was not dreams becoming reality, but reality becoming dreams.

After all, Amas said he dies in his dreams, but not in real life.

(His dreams are often like first person shooters. I assume he respawns.)

So... Ryan with the bruise could have slammed his hand against the bed frame as he rolled around in his sleep, and this pain he felt translated into the dream as him getting punched.

That made sense.

But it still could not explain how Leon would dream of events that were yet to happen.

He was at a bike shop, fixing a bike for a friend who had just called that day, when he remembered his dream the night before in which he was standing at the exact same place doing the exact same thing.

This one... I could not explain.

"Do you know who the real heroes are?

The guys who wake up every morning, 
and go into their normal jobs, 
and get a distress call from the commissioner, 
and take off their glasses and change into capes and fly around fighting crime. 
Those are the real heroes." 

-Dwight Shrute

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hide and Seek

You're doing it right.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Who are we fooling?

This is probably the saddest wedding song I've ever heard.

Love it.

Closing a Chapter

It's the end of recess week.

It feels like the end of more than that.

I know what I write about will sound childish and lame, but it is real to me.

Please don't laugh. I actually feel sentimental about all of these things.

First, I think it's time to replace my trusty Nerf Maverick.

This Nerf gun was my first and has been my primary weapon for the longest time due to its long range and sheer cool factor. It could fire further than most unmodified Nerf guns (even the rifles) and due to its rarity, became something that people recognised as belonging to Justin.

It represented me.

But after years of service, this gun has grown old. It still has awesome range, but the new Nerf disk guns have twice of that. Plus the fact that this gun tends to jam when you snap the trigger (a common reaction in stressful situations) makes it especially unreliable in the crucial moments of a battle.

These weaknesses became especially obvious in my final dual at Linda's when she used one of her new disk shooters against me. I had the upper hand, but my gun jammed as I pushed forward my advantage and her exploiting of my vulnerability allowed her to steal the victory from me.

My Maverick will hold a special place in my topmost shelf and remain an effective training gun, but it will be replaced by the Vigilon in combat, a much more reliable disk-shooting gun (the one Linda used) that I just came into possession of at Christmas.

I normally carry 3 guns to battle. Other than a long range shooter, I have a rapid firing one and a one-shot emergency sidearm. I replaced my single shooter this week as well. The new Nerf Jolt proved effective in the early stages of the epic dual with Linda. I'm looking to replace my rapid shooter with another one that has almost twice the ammo, when my birthday comes around this year.

Yes. I'm turning 24, and all I want for my birthday is a toy gun.
(Please send your donations to my sister.)

The second thing I closed a chapter on... in this case I closed the entire book... is with regards to Stephanie Brown. For a long while this girl has been to me the girl I look up to most. She's also in university, and struggling to balance her school work with saving the world outside. She's a simple fun loving girl, even though she's been through some serious struggles in her younger days, and I've come to love listening to her adventures and struggles with day to day life.

Thinking about her and waiting for the next time I see her is quite exciting and her name has appeared on my blog more than a few times.

But today I finished reading the last episode of my Batgirl graphic novel, and the series has come to a close. It was an amazing ending, but I'm left a little sad after. I'm really going to miss the stories of the ordinary girl who did extraordinary things (while maintaining her grades).

If you really need me to spell it out...

Stephanie Brown is Batgirl.

Stop laughing.

(I'm not saying she died, I'm just saying this picture is apt.)

Other than these two things...

Kevin, my dear friend from India, stayed with me over recess week.

I met him when I first went to India alone, and now he was coming to Singapore alone.

After spending all that time together, when he left on Friday, I felt so sad.

I'm sad because I might not see him for a long time.

I don't know when I'll see him again.

And I'm also a little sad because a few of my mentoring relationships have come to a close. I've not done interventions in quite a long time, but the opportunities cropped up early this semester and I took them and helped a friend or two in need.

But now that they are no longer struggling, I am reminded of the most painful part of doing these kinds of interventions.

When you help someone when they are in need, you are emotionally closer to them because they are vulnerable. But when they are back on their feet, the closeness is no longer there and you need to step back as there is no reason for you to be so close. Especially with someone of the opposite sex.

It's like being a superhero and saving someone. After that, you have to leave to look for the next one to help because your job doesn't allow you to take root. After all, how can a masked vigilante have a proper friendship with someone? (It didn't work out for Stephanie Brown and Robin's relationship, as he could not reveal his real identity to her.)

Of course I have the advantage of not wearing a mask, but in the same way, the context has changed and there is no reason for me to be that close to someone. So I need to back off and build the friendship the slow way. (Refer to the fox picture.)

That backing off is a little sad too. Because it always hurts to drift apart.

But it's the right thing to do.

I took a long walk alone yesterday with nothing but the sea breeze carrying me on.

I may talk like a boy. But I don't feel like one anymore.

For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm actually becoming a man.

More so now that my comic books have run out, my childhood toys need to be retired, and I'm beginning to take responsibility for the people around me more and more.

Oh Lord, I remember my prayer to you.

Give me the strength I don't have.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Recess Week

So this week I...

Went roller blading after midnight alone.

Had an old friend visit from India and stay with me.

Explored the Engineering Faculty. Some serious stuff there.

Bought a new Nerf gun.

Visited the Marina Bay Sands and divided by zero.

Got down on one knee and helped a lady at the train station to free her high-heeled shoe that had gotten stuck between the groves on the floor. I did it in front of her boyfriend.

Walked down Singapore River at night.

Had an impromptu dinner at the East Coast lagoon with new friends.

Taught them to star-gaze by the sea.

Went window toy shopping at Plaza Singapura.

Bought a few Lego minifigures.

Visited the science centre and watched a jaw-dropping Omnimax film.

Stormed my friend's house with nerf guns.

Ate a McDonald's vanilla cone and a Hot-fudge Sundae.

And a Magnum Gold and a Biscotto flavored gelato from the Deck.

And I did no school work.

It's called recess week for a reason right?

Anyway... what did you, my fellow NUS friends, do this week?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012



I dreamt of Stephanie last night

It was a dream involving a dangerous man with a Nerf gun that fired real bullets.

I'm not sure if I was with Stephanie Brown or if I was Stephanie, but either way, we were running for our lives out of the warehouse.

I know what I'm looking for in a partner.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My French is so bad...

I was complimenting people I was trying to insult.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"You've been living in a dream world, Neo."

I dreamt that I found the present I had given my imaginary friend for Valentine's day on my table at home.

Which meant I didn't give it to her.

I only imagined giving it to her.

Which possibly meant... that she wasn't real.

In my dream my imaginary friend didn't exist.

"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? 
What if you were unable to wake from that dream? 
How would you know the difference between 
the dream world and the real world?" 

My Blu Tack comes in the 5 elemental colours

Your argument is invalid.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Greatest Trolling I've Ever Done

I'm sorry Lisa.

Here's what trolling is really about:


Okay okay, here it is.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Difficulty Level: Asian

No words can describe the awesomeness of being able to eat a bowl of noodles with only one chopstick.

Not one pair - Just one stick.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Coming home tonight...

I was walking through the void deck alone.

A happy young couple was walking towards me.

She noticed I was holding flowers.

I noticed she was not.

And when I looked back, I noticed they were not such a happy couple anymore.

Sungha Jung is my blog's new Manson Mun

And this is one of my favourite songs.

Of which this rendition is priceless.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So I was just shopping online...

When I came across this:

You can buy and sell them...


Monday, February 6, 2012

Challenge: Learn to play the Ukulele

And play it like this:

Sunday, February 5, 2012


If you were born in a different place and time, to different parents from those you have now.

Your genes are different, so you look different.

Your siblings too, are different.

You go to a different school and you have different friends.

You might even be a different gender from what you are now.

Now let me ask you a question... Suppose such a person exists.

Your soul in a different body and space and time.

Can you imagine what it might be like for you now to meet this person?

Someone who looks absolutely different from you.

But something about him or her... feels strangely... the same.

Would you be able to recognize yourself behind all that?

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Powerful Forest

Growing is Forever from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.

Fiction tries to imitate nature's awesomeness:

I feel small in a huge forest.

But there's something more to nature than I can describe, and it keeps drawing me back to itself.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kinda true...

But no, it was only a waste right up to the time just before University.

University is fun.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Logos Hope

One of the most memorable moments of my stay on the ship involved a conversation with a girl from Kazakhstan.

What's a girl from a largely non-Christian, land-locked country, doing on a Christian ship anyway?

And she had such an amazing story of how God opened the door for her to come and I was so encouraged by her testamony.

On my last day on the ship, I left her a gift.

Heh. Go figure.