Thursday, May 20, 2010


I've been gone a while from the online sphere and people are demanding an account of the things they have missed in my life. Indeed, I spent much of the week that I was away from the computer just trying to stop mentally summarizing things into 140 characters. Things like a sunset just cannot be confined to a tweet. Or a picture for that matter.

Being away from technology has changed me. And this break coincided with a change of mindset in my life too. I spoke much of change in my life, but this is the first time I find change I can believe in. Let's take a look at how I've changed.

First, I no longer have the cat as my favourite animal.

2 weeks ago, on my way to the driving centre I took this picture:

1 week ago when I passed by the same place, this is the picture I took:

This week on my way this was what I saw:

Alright that's it. I now conclude that cats are darn lazy.

Why did I ever like cats? Coz they are cute, coz they are emotional, coz they are free to do what they want, and coz they are unpredictable. But they are so lazy! Enough with the cats.

Still no change today. Other than sleeping direction.

Now, I have a new favourite animal. It's my new dream pet. I've heard of them before but only came into contact with them for the first time last week.

That's right. I did not spend the week riding on Zebras. In fact, Zebras are not in any way easy to tame or ride. I spent the week watching and sometimes even swimming (and diving) with turtles. Mind-blowing experience. Contrary to my expectations, these green turtles don't mind our presence and didn't run off when I swam close to them. At one time our dive instructor gave it some loose coral and it ate right off the stick he was holding, to my utter amazement. And by the way, I took the picture you see above. Underwater photography FTW!

So I tried out diving for the first time in my life. Other worldly- I'll say that again for effect- Other worldly. Now I have another thing to add to my list of things to do before I die. 

Become a certified diver.

And with gear this chic out there in the market, diving sure looks good.

Okay enough. Diving is way beyond the budget of our family (our holiday was a gift from a kind family friend) so that dream will wait till I find a rich (and chic) wife.

Which brings me to my next point, which is the point I left you, my loyal reader(s?), in suspense.

There have been links drawn between the qualities of person's dream pet and what a person looks for in a partner. Thus I think it's significant that my dream pet has changed from a Cat to a sea Turtle. This was important, and this trip had me spending much time alone thinking about my future partner.

One of the evenings dad asked us what is something we wanted individually, that we could pray for as a family. I said I wanted a crazy wife. Momma looked concerned. Crazy, I explained, in the long run, not on a day to day basis.

I wanted someone who is crazy over God, who doesn't subscribe to the values of this world, who does not need to live in comfort, who does not worry about getting her hands dirty, who does not mind going hungry, and who does not mind dying before old age takes her, all for the glory of the Kingdom of Christ. And why would I want a girl like that?

Because I myself am like that.

(Just read the last line.)

I know what I want in life.
So I know what I want in a wife.

If she believes in what I believe in, then not only will she be a support to me, but I a support to her.

But don't you start imagining that I'm on the lookout for a wife now. No. I know that chances are, I'm not going to find a wife who fits the above criteria in Singapore. I'm not saying there are none, I'm just saying if there was one, I would not be able to tell. Kinda like how you'd never be able to tell a strong swimmer just by looking at their math score. So what must I do?

While I pray for God to prepare my wife for me, I also pray (and she might be praying too) that I will be prepared for her. I need to be the man worthy of such a godly woman. And so I will strive now, becoming the man God wants me to be.

And so when I'm finally actually making a crazy stand for what I believe in (instead of just talking about it), then will the girl I'm praying for be able to see me. So I live by my code:

Don't look for a missions minded spouse back at home.
Look for a missions minded spouse in the mission field.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not gong after God so I'll get a wife. Life is not about marriage but about serving the true God. Marriage helps us accomplish it. I'm not even going to say I'm going after marriage so I'll get to God coz that's bull. I'm going after God. That's all; This is all:

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 
-Matthew 6:33

I've given up dreaming about my future wife. She's too much of a distraction. I'm leaving my future with her in the hands that hold the future. And I'll worship Christ alone. Pray for me to not be lonely in my solitude. It's not an easy road.


  1. I met ur ideal wife alr!
    I tried to matchmake to u before.. but u replied wtf.. hehe..


  2. haha. next time u jio her urself la. i not ard to help u alr.

    she saved me in uni just like how u saved me in jc.

  3. Hey, diving isn't that expensive. I got my basic licence for about $650 (which was damn ex because the instructor was greedy), you can probably get it for $450 max somewhere else. Seriously please go learn diving then we can totally go diving together plus I have an underwater camera now so we can spam pictures! (FYI get basic licence then must go get advanced licence. So far I only got my basic and I'm missing out on a lot! Advanced divers are licensed to go much deeper.) Then let's go on night dives and wreck dives! Night dives are awesome!

  4. Hehe 450 was a lot to us. Heh coz that was marianne and me! But underwater shooting was awesome! How deep are you allowed to go?
