Saturday, April 21, 2012

I didn't sleep well.

Woke before the sun rose as my eczema was itching so bad. Got up to put ice on it.

Back to sleep and I dreamt I was doing my Gender in Malay Societies final exam. It was open book, and I had completed a perfect answer.

Then I noticed that the girl next to me was writing in a pink examination booklet. And I had written on foolscap paper. Not good.

The examiner said to put our pens down. I did, but up came my glue stick instead. Unfortunately I had written on both sides, so could not glue my answer into the exam booklet. I stapled it instead and hoped for the best.

Later there was a scene with a scream. I was seeing things from the perspective of a girl whose guy friend had just gotten eaten by a T-Rex. But the girl didn't know. She was just waiting in the toilet when she heard the scream. I knew she was next. The wait was just crazy. Then as i began to feel for her, my perspective in the dream became that of her's.

And then she/I pulled out a gun. Time to rock and roll.

I played this FPS style. I later ended up in the exam hall and there were many others. The t-Rex entered and I thought, "Oh no people are going to die". I kept still as t-rex can't see if we don't move. It bases its vision on motion. So it did not see me. Everyone froze actually. T-Rex was stumped. Then Kimberly entered strutting her stuff, totally oblivious that there was a t-Rex in the room.

The giant monster creeped up behind her. I mean... Yeah it actually did. Then she turned around and saw it. We waited for her to die.

Then she, with no fear, made friends with the T-Rex. In the end she wanted to hug it, but it was not easy for a T-Rex to hug with its tiny arms. I feared it just wanted to eat her as she hugged it around it's neck, so close to its teeth.

But it didn't.

Can someone please interpret my dream for me?


  1. This webpage should help you find help

  2. I can't. But I've got a friend who makes 100% natural soaps, because commercial soaps were making her eczema worse. Now that's she's using her own soaps, her skin's much better. If you want I can pass you a bar to try.

  3. Hahaha yes I see this. I am glad that I'm not the only one who dreams such elaborate grand plans complete w various characters and changes of scenes when I fall back asleep after e.g. snoozing the alarm etc. in the MORNING. The dreams in the NIGHT are never so eventful. My kidney mee sua dream was in the morning too! Heh.

    And I don't know how to interpret your dream, but I feel tired for you. Haha.

  4. I can't interpret dreams. But I can pray for your marathon of exams! Good luck! & may the odds be ever in your favour. :-)

  5. Woah thank you all for posting responses! Haha.

    Thanks Kevin! I think my technique in remembering vivid dreams is quite like what you posted!

    Hey T-Rex, thank you for not killing Kimberly. I think it is a sign that you and Kim can be good friends although I never want you two to actually meet. Not again at least. Oh my goodness I remember what happened the last time you 2 met... There was a brontosaurs involved!

    Hannah I thought you were T-Rex for a moment.

    Ruiqi I agree! This was my dream after I woke at 7am, just before the sun rose! Usually the monsters in my dream are small enough for me to fight. T-Rex was just beyond me.

    Thank you for your prayers! I have no idea who you are but God sees all and knows I'm grateful!
