Friday, August 6, 2010


The devil's trick is to make us think our suffering is unique to ourselves.

Pray against it.

Before I left for India, I was struggling. No one seemed to understand what I was going through. How could anyone anyway. None of my friends whom I had grown up with had been counseling others the way I had. In every group of people I grew up with, I was the group counsellor. People turned to me for help, but because counseling relationships are not friendships, I had few friends, and knew little of how to make and keep friends.

I cried out to the Lord for help.

Then I started doing what I had never done in a long time. Meeting up with people, and being open with them. Not something a counsellor does, but something friend does.

And then I came to Melanie, who I only just met last year, who had been the group counsellor of all the groups she grew up with till now, who was struggling with the exact same thing as I was.

The devil's trick is to make us think our suffering is unique to ourselves.

Pray against it.

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