Monday, May 7, 2012

Why I dislike reading

I've not touched a book for a long time.

I don't like reading.

But since everyone says the Hunger Games book is better, I thought I'll give it a try.

It's overwhelming.

No not in a good way for me.

As an introvert, I pick up on every word and line.

I scribbled so many notes inside the book I was reading though it did not belong to me.

And my imagination went wild at the thought of this world.

I'm overwhelmed.

My imagination is scarily powerful.

It's okay for a movie, because that's merely 2 hours.

But reading this book for the past 2 weeks and creating a world in my head more real to me than the world I'm living in is a different thing.

It's a good book. But I don't think I'll continue reading to the second.

It's too much for me.

I have to finish reading this book soon.

I'm not who I used to be.

I have Katniss and killing other tributes and fighting the system stuck in my head.

I've already started dreaming about sponsors.

Even chocolate reminds me of Katniss and the Hunger Games. 

This has to stop.

I'm losing sense of reality.

And I think I'll forget about trying to read Harry Potter.


  1. What about Lord of the Rings? That is amazing that you can do that(write notes and go deep)

  2. I haven't read LOTR. Not in its entirety at least. I just pick up the book and randomly read a portion or two, or find a quote.

    The only book I constantly read is the Bible because it's one of the few things I can take in on a daily basis and not lose track of reality.

  3. That is becuase it is the essence and don't escape anywhere becuase it was written to serve as an example and a guide.
