Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Toy Reviews

I dropped by Kiddie Palace one day to see what are the new toys for kids.

The first thing that caught my eye was this set:

It looks so cool!

I mean seriously, a train set that transforms into a battle station for real?

This must cost a bomb man!


Usual price - $119.

Current offer price - $15.

I was seriously considering buying this.

Oh the places my imagination would take me with an awesome toy like this!!!

Anyway... I found some cool new Batman toys.

The first was a Batman Nerf lookalike gun.

It's shaped like the grapnel gun used in the first Batman.

But it's way too overpriced.

Then I came across this...

Which is actually quite clever.

I would not have thought of using a mechanism as simple as that.

In fact I took a while to figure how to open it.

Anyway, those were some of the cooler toys I found.

The rest were just rubbish.

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