Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A person's home is a mirror to their soul

Thus said Florence when I asked her why she wanted to see my house.

When you see what a person's house is like, you see what the person is like.

But my house might surprise her.

My house is quite messy. My table in particular as in terrible shape; that is if you can see the table beneath the layer of paper work.

Ah but my closets are incredibly well arranged. My shirts are arranged in rainbow order for the coloured ones and black to white for the rest. My books stand in order by genre and size. My cabinets are sorted by categories, all without a single item out of place.

I'm a closet OCD. Literally.

Contrary to most, my house looks terrible on the surface level, but very well kept deeper inside.

But what does that say about me? 

1 comment:

  1. You don't care about appearances. you aren't shallow and what people can't see which is good is what matters to you?
