Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I'm in distress

I am anxious and uncomfortable and worried and confused.

All because I don't have my NUS diary for the new year.

I'm not kidding you.

I've missed interesting talks, overshot deadlines to register for seminars, went to the wrong classrooms, double booked myelf for things... I even agreed to go to some event on the day that my sister was going to celebrate her 21st (I have thus told my friends that I cannot go for the paintball battle and redeemed myself by cleaning up the whole house and gotten her forgiveness).

I'm really lost. I can't arrange anything without my planner. I'm still in school at 9.20pm on a day that my classes ended at 4. I've no idea what i am doing. I even... I even missed watching Sasuke Singapore today. That's nearly as bad as missing paintball.

Andrea was supposed to pass me the diary today.

She forgot to bring it.

I... cannot... go... onnnnn

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