Sunday, January 31, 2010

Poem to My Wife

Cummings says "I carry your heart"
(I carry it in my heart)

I carry the heart of one I do not know
To every single place I go.

I can't run from it
Once I'm alone I realize it
I feel it.

No, enough. How can I feel so much for one I know not?
Sanity! For Sanity I must stop.

Everywhere I go I think of you
Every movie I watch reminds me of you
Every mountain I climb I wish for you.

I cannot keep seeking you
I must not keep seeking you

"Have you seen my wife?"
"Could she be my wife?"

Every girl I walk past has me think about the same.
I've seeked & searched but failed and failed
It's driving me INSANE!

Enough, enough it must now stop.

I can no longer
I must no longer
carry your heart.


  1. you just Murdered my favourite poem :(

  2. I wrote a response. I'm sorry though.

    Cummings words resounded too strongly with me to the extent I had to decide to either accept what he said completely or rejected it in my life.

    I can't accept it... I can't. Not now. I cannot live like that.

    For to carry another heart is more than mine can bear.
