Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Worst Day in my Life

Today might well be the worst day in my life.

It summed up the worst month I've had as far as I could remember.

This month I took on 3 tests.

1. The NYNY Yankee Burger challenge.

I failed it and had to call for dad to come and pick me up because I could no longer walk.

2. The driving final practical test.

I failed it with twice the total number of demerit points allowed (and one immediate failure).

3. Statistics.

I studied every day and worked hard to pass this placement test that was needed to major in psychology. I failed too.

This month I could not sit for my IPPT because of a sprained ankle which had me limping for the first half of the month, and unable to exercise the rest of it.

This month Marianne left. And so did Zhi Han, Yinhong, and tomorrow, Jon Ma.


I went down to the department to ask them if I could still major by any chance in the subject I had found my calling in. No.

I could not find the office of student affairs.

My eyebrows didn't get threaded right the first time and I needed to go back to the salon.

New Zealand ice cream didn't have my favourite flavor.

The toy gun I just bought and fixed up doesn't work.

It's been a bad day.

I came home and sat down with mom and dad and told them the situation.

Yeah... I was looking into changing college. They suggested try overseas to not waste 2 years.

I wanted to cry. Coz of the pain of leaving, coz of the tough road ahead, coz of the awesomeness of having supportive parents.

I'm actually feeling quite okay now. We prayed and I do not fear where the Lord leads. I spent years trying for medicine only to find my true calling was psychology. We trust him. We'll survive.

I've been through worst before. I'll survive. But the thought of having to go through it again sucks.

I cried out today for help.

Silently of course, coz I knew I was alone.

Then suddenly, by the grace of God, an unexpected sms comes in.

God provides.

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