Friday, August 12, 2011

The First Day of School

The holiday was exactly 100 days long.

I counted.

In fact, I had hoped to write another account of the highlights of the second half of the holiday, but then today happened.

Yes, the first day of school was so action packed I can forget the holidays.

I woke up to a reply on FB from a girl I had messaged the night before.

I saw her in action during RAG, so decided to drop her a nice message.

She took it well, and her reply started my day well.

Arriving in school, I gave a friend of mine a vacuum cleaner for her birthday.

She was actually quite pleased with the compact and battery-less machine.

Only Justin can get away with giving a girl a vacuum cleaner.

Then I had lunch with Jon Ma and gave him his present.

It was a transformer toy which I thought was so cool when I saw it.

He thought it was so cool when he first saw it.

As I returned my plates, I saw my dear friend Auntie Kim!

So overjoyed to see her as I thought she had resigned, coz of the stress.

Even better news- they offered her shorter daily working hours!

So today I got to...

- Message a girl who had never known me,

- Hug a girl who had never hugged me,

- Sit next to a girl who was once in a complicated relationship on FB with me,

- Smile at the auntie who smiled at me,

- Fence with two new guys who did not trash me,

- Explore the science faculty with Melanie,

- And declare a minor in Gender, finally.

What an amazing start to the year.

Thank you my dear God, thank you.

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