Friday, August 19, 2011

Science and Religion

This may be a little over your head, but try to understand this.

You'll see God in a different light.

I was especially interested in the part about how a being of a higher dimension can see through a being of a lower dimension. We look at a 2D square and we in the 3rd Dimension can see all sides of it, and we can see into it, but on the flat world the 2D square can only see at most 2 sides of a square next to it on the same plane.

In the same way, something of the 4th dimension doesn't just see our face or our back the way we see others in the 3rd Dimension, but it sees all sides of us at one time, and sees right through us.

In non-scientific terms,

For the LORD sees not as man sees: 
man looks on the outward appearance, 
but the LORD looks on the heart.
- 1 Samuel 16:7

We can't imagine how this works, because we are lower beings.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 
   neither are your ways my ways,” 
            declares the LORD. 
- Isaiah 55:8

But we can roughly get the idea from science.

If you're religious, don't write off science.

If you're all for science, don't laugh at the religious.

We may not understand the specifics, but we get the big picture.

Both ways.


  1. Wow, I can't believe I sat through the whole video. My mind started dying halfway through the video or maybe earlier. I am so confounded by the video that I'm just sitting here in front of the screen, laughing in short bursts and wondering what I just heard. I mean I do understand it vaguely, but yeah, interesting video...

  2. Well done dear! I can't believe I understood it too. I loved this video so much i'm now taking a module on "Einstein's relativity and quantum weirdness"!
