Thursday, November 26, 2009

Broken People, Broken Arms

After living for over a month in the Caste system, Mom has been emancipated.

She's overthrown the shackles that have held her and is now free.

But she's an outcaste now. Untouchable too.

Yes yes I know, I've studied a little too much for my South Asian module on the Dalits. But try to stop me from raising awareness about their plight!

Mom is out of her cast but her arm is still very weak and painful to the touch. Thus I found it interesting to call it that. Hope this is not insensitive. Not meant to be.

So here's a picture of her cast when it was still on. Artwork my yours truly.

If you're wondering, it's a labyrinth. I learnt it from the illusive and mysterious Dr S. Basically, unlike a maze, if you follow the path of the labyrinth you would pass through every single path in the entire labyrinth before coming back to where you started. This modified labyrinth went round the whole arm. The original looked like the human brain.

What's even more cool- archeological findings from ancient civilizations from separate parts of the world have uncovered the same design- long before the time when these civilizations were even in contact. Freaky. How could they all know the same symbol.

Some say it was aliens who visited the different civilizations. Others say because the starting point of drawing the labyrinth is the cross and the 4 corners of the universe, that it was a universal symbol. Or maybe all civilizations did come from one place to start with.


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