Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Welcoming Tour


My name is Justin and welcome to my blog. It's new and it's pink and it deserves some form of introduction so I will now show you around on a special guided tour of my blog!

To the top right you will find a very quotable quote. I might change it in time to come, but I probably won't because it fits the theme of my blog rather well.

Just below that are my blog Comments! In here you'll find familiar names like Desiree, Kimberly, Marianne and Yinhong (in alphabetical order, not order of importance). Don't let these names scare you from commenting though! I've changed the method of commenting on this blog so comments are tied specifically to posts instead of having a central tag-board, so more of you can comment without feeling daunted by the idea of changing the topic on a tag-board.

Special mention of my blog's biggest fan and my most loyal friend Tobias! Who else would walk 2km while having a stomach flu just to deliver a birthday present to my home, arriving pale and in cold sweat? Without this guy my blog is mostly a monologue. Round of applause please!

Okay I only have 6 links because I don't want to overwhelm you (and I don't read many blogs).

The Dead is my previous blog of my previous self who did not live like he was dying, so his blog (and him) were put to death.

The Living are my church youth group.

The Poet is my favorite blogger of all time. A close friend too.

The BFFFLF stands for the Best Freaking Friend For Like... Forever! I've known this guy for 15 years already, and he's my best friend. Like duh.

The Art is something I'm still working on. It's basically my artwork gallery.

So there you have it, the new blog. It's sleek, it's stylish, and it won't give you a headache (I've not included any music in the background that screws up your brain trying to decipher my writings). Do come by regularly and comment freely. I blog quite often now and nothing encourages me to blog more than seeing several comments for me to publish.

Love you all!

Justin Hui


  1. Here's another encouragement to blog more often! give me too much credit, man. I'm here to back you up and support you all the way. Since I can't do anything else, I might as well encourage you mentally to follow your path.

    As for your quote...yeah, no one lives forever.

  2. haha i am not la.. don't link me..


  3. LLYWD FTW ! hahaha :)


  4. Er poed... are you saying you are not a close friend or not my favorite blogger?

    Either way how can you decide that?
