Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Exam in the Lecture Theatre

It was an amazing morning.

Truly amazing.

What a day to end the exams.

So I had my very first exam at a lecture theatre.

They outfitted the tiny LT tables with bigger clip on versions.

So the test began.

Mid-way, my lecturer announced that there were chocolate coated almonds and sunflower seeds in front if anyone needed a fix.

We were amused.

Being the greatest Auntie in NUS, I immediately went down to the tune of a few giggles.

I'm not kidding you. This really happened.

The teaching assistant gave my lecturer the ultimate eye roll.

Towards the end of the paper, the lecturer said, "you have 15 minutes left. Anyone still in the LT in 10 seconds time has to remain in the LT."

Some submitted their papers early but had not reached the door in 10 seconds.

"Time's up, sit down."

Confused looks of those standing all around.

"It's a rule, you must stay now."

He is quite a joker, and people really did not know when to take him seriously.

He's a little like me.

"It's a rule. I'll ask my Teaching Assistant to say it," and he handed her the mike.

"You may leave if you've handed in your papers," she said.

He threw his hands up and said, "This is TA usurping power. Like the opposition in this elections."

All this during the test mind you!


But we didn't mind, 2 hours to write an essay and 5 MCQs was a long time.

So much time that I could eat chocolate, go to the toilet, and I didn't finish my conclusion properly.

Anyway, it's done.

I headed to clementi with my 2 new friends from this module.

They said the porridge was good at the hawker centre.

Feels a little sad I must say. What a way to celebrate.

This is not at the Deck btw.

I had to do something awesome to mark the end of the exams, so I took the girls up to the 40th story of the new Clementi HDB.

My legs were weak.

Can you imagine how high this place is?

Compare the block on the right with the other blocks!

Then it was their turn to take me somewhere to celebrate.

The whole afternoon was spent at the Clementi library.

The seats were by the window in the sun.

Feels a little sad I must say. What a way to celebrate.

Oh man and I just realised I'm never going to see Auntie Kim again! She's retiring!


  1. You forgot! "Please turn off your mobile phones. And if you are used to hearing voices in your head, please lower their volume too."
    That was epic win.
