Thursday, May 12, 2011

It was the most amazing sight in my post-exam life

Yes, I did it.

After scrubbing the bathroom faucet I realised that, for the first time in a long time, I could actually see my own reflection in it. This photo was taken after I had scrubbed half of it to show the contrast.

I found a new calling in my life: This holidays, I want to work as a toilet cleaner.

Mom laughed when I asked her if anyone would hire me. "You go clean your own bathroom, then we talk."

So this morning, I did. Armed with some powerful chemicals, gloves and all kinds of brushes (including a toothbrush), I got to work on both mine and my parents' bathroom till the stains were removed and the faucets were shiny.

I was so proud of what I did and mom was willing to pay me for my effort. Whatever the case, if you have a bathroom that needs a bit of heavy duty cleaning, I'm up for the job if you pay me!

You know... I got so carried away cleaning, I was late for my afternoon date.