Saturday, April 7, 2012


The fencing competition was over.

I lost every single round and crashed out immediately.

Not that I didn't expect that. So I wasn't disappointed.

After all, I did enjoy watching what higher level fencing looked like.

I had dinner alone, and with the whole bulk of fencing equipment in both my hands, trudged to the bus stop for a long ride home.

I actually needed to get home quickly and make calls to church members, but I had only $4 in my wallet.

A lorry passed by slowly as I sat at the bus stop.

So slowly that I could see the driver.

He was staring at my swords.

I noticed him staring.

He noticed I noticed.

I smiled.

He returned the smile as the lorry window moved out of my gaze.

Then the lorry reversed, and he wound down the window.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"Punggol," I answered.

"Hop in. I'll give you a lift."

And so I got home really fast, and the kind uncle is coming to church tomorrow.

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