Sunday, July 31, 2011

Even though I had my sabre in hand...

I was still almost swept away by the overwhelming horde that burst into the MRT carriage once the doors were opened.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Why I Fence

I finally figured out.

It's been a difficult year of fencing coz you always lose when you're noob.

I ask myself why I fence, ever so often.

If it's to win, well... I'm not winning.

So what's the point?

As of late I understood:

You know in university, you get to choose modules? There are some modules you want to take because they are your specialization and you know you can score. Then there are modules you want to take because of what you can learn from it and grow. You take these latter modules because you want to, in the end, be knowledgeable in this area that you were not before. But... these modules are the toughest because you're not good at them at all.

Fencing is like that. I suck at fencing. But I do it to learn.

To learn what you may ask?

To learn to fight. To learn to compete.

To learn that sometimes I cannot just be a nice pushover. Sometimes there is a need to advance and overcome, and I need to be ready to strike swift and deadly when the need arises.

This is why I fence. Because I'm not like that, but I need to be capable of doing that.

I'm still not winning.

But I'm still fencing.

Another Land, Another Planet, Another Dimension

Somewhere between watching Spirited Away, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Prince, I lost myself and lay down on the road in a park that was still not opened to the public.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Pokémon meets Jurassic Park.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I'm no longer afraid...

Of going back to school.

I was walking through school and noticed a big difference in the way I was walking, as compared to how the freshmen were walking.

I walked as though I owned the place.

Vote for my designs please

Score this design: "I'm with Emo ," to help it get printed on Threadless!

Score this design: "Everyday I'm Suffering," to help it get printed on Threadless!

It's okay if you don't like my designs, just give me 5 stars so I can get t-shirt vouchers to buy many more nicer shirts.


Mothers of teens know why animals eat their young
- unknown

Of Birds and of Bees

Today I went to keppel bay
I went there just to pray
I saw a pair of humming birds
That flew and danced and played.

I heard another pair of birds
Perched upon the tree
One was digging down the throat
Of the other singing merrily.

As I was leaving I saw from afar
A couple act romantically
I've never seen a couple make love
Not to mention so publicly.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I swore loudly last night

Hama midi beads are so small that you need to use tweezers to pick them up.


I had worked on this design for several hours when one wrong move knocked the template and made all the beads jump out of their place, and worst, knocked the box containing the unused beads (sorted in colours) onto the floor.

Hundreds, maybe even thousands of beads littered the floor.

Yes, I swore.

But thankfully Corrinne May was playing, so I didn't remain angry.

I used Shu Qin's birthday present (that I'm yet to give her) to help me clean up the room.

Yes, I'm giving her a vacuum cleaner.

At least I know it works.

Slept at 5am, and the bead sprite was further from completion than before.

Who are you making that for?

I have been making much Hama bead art this week.

Dawn asked me who I was making it for and I was surprised by my own answer.

No one. I'm making it for fun.

It's strange.

And yesterday I designed an envelope with a hand-drawn work of art and posted it to my friend for his birthday with scribbles from our JC notes that I had cut out.

It's a guy I'm sending this too.

It's strange.

Identity crisis! Haha.

Through My Eyes

In reference to this post...

In which this happened...

I just saw this poster...

And found this kite familiar...

Oh the amazing feeling of having made a difference in the world.

Now if only I could make my impact more positive...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Love taketh away

I find that love doesn't often give us something we never had, but rather it takes away something we did so we can no longer be happy or satisfied with what we once had.

This analogy sums it up:

Like all the love stories we see on TV, the guy/girl is totally fine till he/she meets the other person, and then they can't function on their own any more.

Music: Bella's Lullaby

I held my cheeks till they were warm when I first heard this.

I'm in total amazement. 

This is my favourite piano piece.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

I fell off my chair

And my family came running into my room.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday - Film

Animating a 9mm model.

How did they make it?

They printed the model. 3D printer. Oh wow.

This is incredible.

I was a little overwhelmed today

Heading to school for matriculation, standing in line with so many others queuing at the health centre, visiting and signing up at CCA booths.

I guess I was afraid of losing myself in a school of thousands.

Who was I in this vast sea of people?

I was a senior now- I trembled at the thought. I'm on the verge if another identity crisis, but such things are so common they are almost a non-event.

The last school year had been amazing. It was well lived and satisfying.

Yet that made the expectations of this year even greater and more burdensome.

How was I to go through this year without all my graduating friends?

How was I going to survive without my parents?

I'm scared Lord, of all I'll need to sacrifice and give up to make this year count for you. Grant me the strength to endure. For your glory.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday - Tumblr

Thursday will be for pictures from tumblr, worthy of Tumblr.

Devaint Art for the win!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sunday School Teachers Anonymous

Meeting last week.

Kim began her sharing that nearly had me in tears.

She spoke of how she tried so hard with her girls, desiring so much that she help them. But ultimately, God was teaching her to let go and let him change them, because she could not.

Dawn shared the same thing with different words- saying how she no longer makes herself feel guilty for not meeting her girls every other week.

Yes we do desire the best for the youth in our charge, but we're not the ones who can change a person's heart.

Kinda funny how all our leaders were all saying how they are doing less work now, and our pastor was happy to hear that.

I was so moved when Kim shared, because that was exactly my sentiments a few years back.

I was trying to help people, to save the world, and I would never, ever, give up.

Blame it on the cartoons I watched when younger.

I never gave up on the people I was trying to help, and eventually hurt both them and myself, more than once.

This is what the world says.

But I no longer believe in that philosophy.

This is a song about human effort.

Which is why it's so depressing.

"I'm not sure why it always goes downhill-
Why broken cisterns never could stay filled."

This first line in the song is a reference to what was mentioned in the Bible:

"My people have committed two sins: 
They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, 
and have dug their own cisterns, 
broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
-Jeremiah 2:13

We try and try and try, but it just does not work:

"I've spent ten years singing gravity away
But the water keeps on falling from the sky''

"I've spent ten years trying to sing these doubts away
But the water keeps on falling from my eyes"

"I've spent ten years trying to sing it all way
But the water keeps on falling from my tries"

I tried to find the cure for the pain.

I found it's not in me.

"Stop trying to protect, to rescue, to judge, to manage the lives around you . . . remember that the lives of others are not your business. They are their business. They are God’s business . . . even your own life is not your business. It also is God’s business. Leave it to God. It is an astonishing thought. It can become a life-transforming thought . . . unclench the fists of your spirit and take it easy . . . What deadens us most to God’s presence within us, I think, is the inner dialogue that we are continuously engaged in with ourselves, the endless chatter of human thought. I suspect that there is nothing more crucial to true spiritual comfort . . . than being able from time to time to stop that chatter . . . "
-Frederick Buechner (Telling Secrets)

Ultimately, there is some relief in knowing I'm not the answer the the problem. 

But the difficulty is in accepting that fact. 

Wednesday - Words

I overheard.

That make me laugh.

And think.

Such as when I sat next to James from Toong Chai Presbyterian Church at the combined Presbyterian Church's 130th Anniversary and asked him what 2 Chinese words in the booklet were.

"I don't know. All of them are squares and triangles to me."

Sun and Moon

I drove into the west yesterday with the sun in my eyes.

It was late in the evening and the sun was piercing even through the sunglasses I was wearing.

It was hard to see the car in front of me.

Later on at night I drove into the east with the huge moon glowing in my eyes.

I like the moon more.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday - Through My Eyes

And largely taken by my handphone's camera.

Your vote is secret.

But God sees all.

Monday, July 18, 2011

We're forming a team...

Reservist for the past 2 weeks.

Found out my job has been changed due to a shift in the way our army works.

(It's difficult to blog about army stuff coz I got no pictures to show, and have to be careful not to reveal anything restricted or classified. I'll be vague thus when I post about the army, and focus on the emotions more.)

The officer in charge of my team told us that in this transitionary period, our roles were not clear, thus we could contribute ideas on what we wanted our team to be like- what we should be equipped with, what we should be trained in, and what our mission should be.

I suggested they equip us with bullet-hard kitanas, reactive plate armour, camera-guided crossbow rounds, Delta-6 Accelerator Suits and train us to fly jets.

Oh yes and call us Alpha Team.

Also known as G.I.Joe.

Monday - Music

Alright time for some order in my blog.

Here on in, I will queue certain post types for certain days.

Monday - Music

Well, what better way to start the week? Melodies that fascinate me.

Tuesday - "Through my eyes"

Shots taken by me of this world I'm a stranger to.

Wednesday - Words

I tend to quote people. I write down what they say. So now I publish it.

Thursday - Tumblr

Not everyone knows what a Tumblr is, thus I set a day aside for this. Some shots posted there are so amazing I just have to post them on my blog.

Friday - Film

It takes effort to click on a film link icon. But I love film and find some amazing ones. So I save the best for last and show only one a week.

Today is Monday, so we begin with some amazing music.

Reminds me a bit of the skit we did in Seri Alam.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Martian Finale

The crazy martians remind me of my sister and I sometimes.

Love her lots.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yip Yip Fan

We'll all be fans of these guys by the end of the week.

Okay they are martians, not aliens.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Yip Yip Telephone


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yip Yip Week

Okay for those of us not so advanced in our social understanding to enjoy Lauren cooper jokes, here's Sesame Street!

Please welcome the family that will be here for the week!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Practically speaking, it does come down to money.

Between working in a rural place with lower pay or working in the city for a higher pay, which would you choose?

The conditions in the rural areas by the way, are rural. Away from the conveniences and entertainment found in the city.

If you were a doctor in India, where would you work?

It's going to take something more important than money to make people work in a hospital in rural India.

Here's to the unsung heroes who gave up so much for so little, to serve a God who's infinitely greater than money, and the people he so desires us to serve.

Dear Lord, what can I do?

Here's a little letter I wrote that I'm about to send to my friends in India, may it help a little in your bigger plan. Amen.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I don't know what to blog about

I can't talk about the army and reservist in a way that you can understand.

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing, and if you take things out of context you can't really understand what's really going on.

But I can't explain to you the context of the army culture.

You need to experience it yourself.

So I can't really tell you what's going on.

Nah, it's not that I'm emo, it's just that I was fascinated with my reservist which I enjoyed so much, but I can't put it in words that will let you understand what I'm feeling just yet.

And I can't bring in a camera to show you pictures either.



Friday, July 8, 2011

The Internet

I can never grasp my mind around it.

We really are living in a time unlike any other ever before.

In my lifetime, the world changed beyond recognition.

This was as big as the industrial revolution.

This is the advent of the age of the internet.

And with it, comes access to the strangest of things.

Including videos from the past I had never seen before.

Like... this.

Okay maybe the internet is over-rated.


TV at the time was over-rated.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

It was a big dog...

I was walking down a back alley.

It was dark, and the houses on my left were elevated.

The backyard grounds were thus at my waist level.

Suddenly out of the bushes next to me, a huge dog sprang at me, barking aggressively.

It's teeth were at the same level as my face.

I instinctively jumped back, and screamed back at it.

I'm not sure if I screamed in shock or retaliation, but it was probably a bit of both.

I noticed my right arm was instinctively poised to strike with a tightly clenched fist.

I stopped realising that there was a fence between the two of us, though we were less than a meter apart.

The adrenaline lasted me through the party that night.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Not Transformers

Not the Dark of the Moon.

Instead, a song by Corrinne May I've not come across till now.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Howl's Moving Castle

It's being built in Singapore.


I was driving back home when this song came on and it caught my attention.

Much like the tune of this song caught me from the first time I heard it on Glee.

What do these 2 songs have in common?

Both are singing about prostitutes.

I'm not saying they are bad songs- I think they are fantastic.

The first one tells the grim story of a drug abusing prostitute being trapped in the vicious cycle sympathetically. The second is an anthem of hope for the streetlight people (streetwalking prostitutes).

Quite a good message I must say. 

And very nice music.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Art of Trolling

Trying to master it.






So what is Trolling?

Ask Wiki!

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory[citation needed]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

The key word here is "disrupting" I would think. But this is definition isn't very positive.

Ask Urban Dictionary!

One of many unsung internet heroes who are almost entirely misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, many trolls are actually quite intelligent. Their habitual attacks on forums is usually a result of their awareness of the pretentiousness and excessive self-importance of many forum enthusiasts. As much as people may hate trolls, they are highly effective - their actions bring much of the stupidity of other forum users out into the great wide open.

That's better.

I'm a parody of human life and how seriously we take the unimportant stuff like Mouse Hunt and Fishing Joy and all the other important things in life.

Yes that's right.

I troll because I care.

I care that you may have forgotten what's important in life.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Live Like You Are Dying

What would you do if you had but only 3 months to live?

Back in 2009 when I started this new blog, and found this song as my theme.

But it is only now, 2 years on, that I managed to live out this philosophy:

I tried to live one of my final long holidays TTM.

So here are some of the things I did from May to July:

Wrote a reply to each of my 142 FB birthday well wishes.

Went to the top floor of Clementi's 40 storey HDB flats.

Hung out at the library with friends reading graphic novels.

Made Hama Bead Pokemon.

Learnt to Wave Board.

Set up an aquarium of exotic shrimps.

Attended a rally with 29,999 other people.

Visited Labrador Park alone.

Finished Angry Birds.

Watched a movie with my sister.

Helped make 101 mothers' day cards.

Watched a movie with my dad.

Cleaned both bathrooms.

Listened to a lecture by Dr. Michio Katu.

Made Hama Bead Digimon.

Played board games at SMU.

Drove someone else's car home.

Universal Studios. 3 rounds on the big one.

Lead worship at Young Adults.

Toy sword fencing in Toys'r'us.

Sculpted a pencil.

Helped make SongYang's birthday book.

Cooked with Yaoqi.

Bought Nerf guns while on a date.

Visited Jonker Street in Melaka.

Shot the wings of a fly with a Nerf gun.

Gave a girl a can opener for her birthday and got a hug.

Did ushering duty.

Gave a different girl lightsticks and got a hug.

Went to Tioman with the family.

Saved the life of a caterpillar being attacked by a swarm of ants.

Fishing with an old friend.

(I took this shot)

Preached in church at youth.

McDonalds breakfast with a French Exchange student.

Cycled 32km on a tandem bike.

(She took the shot)

Watched another movie with Marianne.

(guess the film she appeared in...)

Put up random but nice posters all around Singapore.

Brought my sunday school boys to a fish farm.

Played xbox Kinex with the Kias.

Attended my professor's sendoff party.

Painted a painting with one of my best friends.

Learnt and showed my friends a magic trick.

Went to Labrador Park with Florence for photography.

Helped out at the Primers in Sunday School.

Found the largest collection of Jazz LPs in Singapore.

Watched Superman act as a monster protector with Marianne.

Flew kites with my gender studies group.

Sent a postcard to America.

Went to the IT fair.

Sang a solo at a funeral.

Conducted a fencing beginner course at AMK Secondary.

Made a video for Fathers' Day that was shown in church.

Emceed Marianne Lee and Samuel Nee's wedding.

Watched the Lion King.

Did the Salsa with Cheryl at the wedding dinner.

Met up with a friend I've not seen for 5 years.

Ran from Punggol to Pasir Ris along a dark road.

Fenced some more.

Submitted my video from India to a local film festival.

Planned and compiled a birthday surprise present.

Killed flies with a paper roll.

Ate battered crayfish in JB.

Taught Dawn the basics of Salsa.

Cycled and flew a kite. At the same time.

Bought my first pair of Crocs.

(Look how mine matches the colour of the pair I'm carrying!)

Dinner at Ikea. Meatballs!

Re-learnt how to solve the rubick's cube.

Watched Rapunzel again and cried... again.

Watched Kung Fu Panda 2 immediately after with dad and Marianne and Marilyn.

Sat in the spraying mist from a heavy downpour alone.

Attended my first meeting with the Elders' and Deacons' Court.

Ate at MOF for the first time in my life. Zhi Han treated me. I'm still not sure why.

(Since she was treating me, I ordered whatever I wanted.)

Organized a Nerf chalet.

Drew and coloured a picture on an envelope.

Sent a letter to India.

Lead worship at main service and sang harmony for the first time in my life.

Wrote a skit in a night and performed it the next day.

Prawned with Bryan and caught 29 prawns in 3 hours, a new record.

Met up with some very old friends.

Started reading the Batgirl comics. Hooked.

Yeah that's 80 things I did in point form.

But that's just the first 2 months of the holiday of course.

1 more month to go.

I'll roll in the mud and fly in helicopters and shoot live rounds in the next 2 weeks.

Provided Christ doesn't return before reservist is over.


So err... what have you been up to these past 2 months?