Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Contradictions Within the Same Carriage

Watched Dylan Dog Today

Quite a cheap movie.

I kept thinking Brandon Routh was going to lift up the werewolves who were attacking him and throw them through the wall.

Or lazer beam them with his eyes. 

Or fly after the demons.

Goodness, he's right out of Superman Returns.

But yeah, he didn't bleed through the whole movie. 

Maybe he really is Superman.

Oh and I nearly died (metaphorically speaking) when his friend who died (literally speaking) and came back as a zombie, but could not accept his new nature, attended the zombie anonymous support group.

Hi everyone... I'm Marcus.

*Hi Marcus.*

Well... I... I... Died.

*It's okay Marcus, we know how you feel.*

Monday, May 30, 2011

The ultimate thumbnail

Let's all change our thumbnails.

(I mean our blogger profile pic, not our thumb's nail.) 

(Actually... that could work too...)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Singles Anonymous Support Group

Hi everyone, I'm Justin here again.

*Hi Justin.*

I've not had a date for 2 and a half weeks already. It's not been easy, but I've been fighting it and I've not allowed myself to be emo.

*Nods and slight smiles from the group*

I think I've passed the initial stage of the cold turkey and I feel more secure about being single now than I've ever been before.

*Visibly wider smiles of affirmation*

Now having said that, I think I am ready to go out with girls again.

*Smiles turn to frowns. Murmurs all around*

Look, I may be going out with my girl friends again, but it's different this time. I'm not... I'm not as insecure about being single anymore. I'll be okay.

*(whisper) Looks like he's going to be a member of this group for quite a while.*

Friday, May 27, 2011

What Are The Chances...

We were on our way to the city in a taxi.

We were going to board a bus to Tioman for a family holiday.

Dad started talking to the taxi driver.

The driver said he was a grandfather.

Dad guessed his age correctly.

They were the same age.

One month apart, to be precise.

As we neared the city, dad said he used to stay in this area.

The taxi driver said so did he.

Dad got really excited and started recalling things.

He realised used to buy from the taxi driver's father's shop down the road.

They laughed as they thought about the old days.

The taxi man said he used to go to Monks' Hill Secondary.

Dad's reaction to that was so over the top I thought only I could do it.

You see, he was also from Monks' Hill Secondary.

They started talking about popular teachers in their time.

What an amazing way to start a holiday.

But seriously...

What are the chances of randomly bumping into someone of your same age, who lived in the same neighbourhood as you, and attended the same school as you in your batch, while on the way to Tioman?

Dad was still reeling from the excitement when we boarded the bus.

As more passengers boarded the bus to Tioman, I recognised one girl.

"Mei Xuan!" I called out.

It was my turn to be excited.

She was my classmate in Tanjong Katong Secondary who also lived in Punggol.

What are the chances of randomly bumping into someone of your same age, who lived in the same neighbourhood as you, and attended the same school as you in your batch, while on the way to Tioman?

And what are the chances of this person booking a holiday package from the same agent, for a stay at the same resort, for the same length of time, as you?

The chances are probably as high as dad ever winning at a game of cards.

It never happens.

But it all did in Tioman, the island of dreams.

Monks meet Football

Awesome, heartwarming film.

I took the right module.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Young Adults Weekend Away

This is going to be one of those posts that I am trying to put a strong emotion to words. It's not at all easy and sometimes not possible, so I need to be honest and unguarded in this post. Don't take what I say at face value but try to appreciate the idea I'm trying to share.

We went to Melaka with our young adult group over the weekend.

Highlights for me included shooting the wing of a fly and letting Yaoqi dig out a splinter/piece of dirt embedded in my bruised hand. It hurt a lot, to say the least.

On the second night, we all sat together in a close circle had a time of reflection and prayer. But something was not very right on my side.

I could not focus properly.

Maybe it was the fact that I'm not used to bearing my heart before God in the presence of so many. I cry out to him when others are not watching. I knew I wanted to talk to God, but I felt I was out of sync.

Or maybe it was the fact that I was sitting between beautiful girls. I don't discount that. It probably was the main reason.

So I got up in the middle of the prayer meeting, and left to sit on my own behind everyone else.

Then I felt guilty that I was away from the group and not showing solidarity and unity or encouraging people to bond and be in the fellowship.

I actually forgot why I left the circle in the first place.

But I cried out to God. My guilt and my desires were all distractions and both tore me apart in different directions. I did not know what I was doing, or if what I did was right, but I did it so I could worship God better, and all I wanted to do was worship him.

Then he gave me enough peace to remain sitting behind the rest and pray from there.

And as the rest prayed and sang, I began to write.

I wrote about the biggest mistake in my life.

How I did not know what I was doing back then, and how I had no idea what was the right choice when I had to make that decision.

And how I carry the guilt of the memory of my biggest mistake.


Back then...

Though I did not know what I was doing, or if what I did was right, I did it so I could worship God better, and all I wanted to do was worship him.

It all fell apart later, but my heart was right with him when I made the decision.

I was reminded of that. I had forgotten that.

And for the first time in my life, I felt that in God's eyes...

When it came to what I felt was the biggest mistake in my life...

I didn't fail.

And as I wrote that last line down, I began to cry.

What a voice!

One of my favourite songs, by a girl with an amazingly smooth voice.

Danielle Hope sings "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Okay this is not really an anagram (a word formed out of the letters of another word), but that's the closest thing I could get for naming this post.

It's the initials of Hui Qi and her BFF Dawn Ho, written in a way that when one's name is held upside down it becomes the other's.

Made with peanut butter.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


More about our Young Adults Weekend Away in Malaysia later; I'm leaving the country again in 6 hours time and have only time for a short post.

Yesterday, I found out that it was possible to kill flies with Nerf blasters.

And in my subsequent war against the swarm of houseflies that invaded our rural chalet, a miracle happened.

I managed to shoot one wing off a fly.

I'm not kidding.

It could no longer fly much- when it flapped its wing it took off only a little and it looked like it was jumping.

That brings us to a question- if a fly cannot fly, is it still called a fly?

Friday, May 20, 2011

I searched "Music" on YouTube

And wow. I didn't care about the music somehow.

After take one...

Camera man: "Oh sorry, I forgot to remove the lens!"

My Knuckles Hurt From The Fight I Just Had

It's fencing time again.

Beat the living daylights out of myself today, but felt relieved.

Now making the final prep for tomorrow's trip up to Malaysia with my church young adults.

Gonna be leading worship. Finding chords.


So I won't see you in a week!

(But my blog will automatically update itself everyday don't worry.)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Singles Anonymous

Hi everyone my name is Justin.

*Hi Justin.*

I've not had a date for one week already, and I'm still going strong- I'm not emoing.

*Nods and smiles of approval all around*


Took a ride in a Mercedes taxi.

It was so comfy.

And the car runs so smoothly.

I was happy.

But getting to school cost quite a lot.

I was not too happy anymore.

Homeless Chicago Man Donates Thousands to Down-On-Her-Luck Banker

By Craig Wall, FOX Chicago News

Chicago - A year ago, everything was going right for a woman we'll call Sandy.
She had a good job at a bank in the suburbs.
She and her 10-year-old son had a safe home.

But then the world came crashing down around the 39-year-old. She lost her job. She lost her house. And she and her son moved into her truck. Police found her and DCFS threatened to take away her son if she didn't find a safe place to stay.
She moved into a hotel with the help of a social worker who paid for a few nights stay with her own money. That's when Sandy's knight in shining armor showed up. And he's kept showing up, every day, paying her hotel bill, so she and her son can stay off the streets.

But Sandy's Good Samaritan isn't a Chicago big shot. He isn't living in a Loop highrise. He doesn't even have a job.

Sandy's Good Samaritan is Curtis Jackson, who's been homeless since 2004. He pays for Sandy's hotel room because she used to treat him with dignity and kindness when she did have a house -- and he pays for it by panhandling and giving the money to her.
"All I can do is get out there and put a sign in my hand, or put a cup in my hand and ask people to help me out, and everything I get, except maybe bus fare and something to eat, I give it to her," Jackson said as he stood at the corner of 55th and Harlem.
Jackson pays the nightly bill by pouring his bucket of change on the hotel counter. Since December, he's raised $9,000, and he's given it all to Sandy. He said sometimes 40, 70, a hundred cars go by before someone gives him a few pennies or a few bucks.
Sandy can't believe it.

"I've donated to charities, I've helped other homeless families -- never realizing that one day we'd be in this situation," she said. "So thank God that we did have an angel waiting for us."
Jackson said he's a man of faith; homeless, but not hopeless, and he's got some words of wisdom for the people he sees bustling by every day.

"I have God. I'm one of the richest men on this earth, 'cause I have God," he said. "Money is not my master. That's what's wrong with this world: money is its master."
Sandy said she doesn't think she'll ever be able to repay Jackson, who's become like a brother.
"I'm out here for a purpose: to help someone, and that's all I'm trying to do is help someone that needs help right at this moment," he said. "And once she doesn't need help anymore, I'll move on to something else."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I've been trying to sculpt a pencil

But it's very hard.

Last week I managed to do one, after breaking like... 2.

I realised the music you listen to affects you.

When I listened to the heavy bass and screams of the Sucker Punch soundtrack I broke the lead I was carving.

When I switched to Coldplay I got better with songs like Yellow.

But then came their faster songs and I broke another pencil.

I finally managed to succeed with Corrinne May's voice in the background.

Today I tried to make the same model but it failed so badly.

I listened to LOTR, then Corrinne May.

I worked for 4 hours straight and broke all 4 pencils.

I was so frustrated.

I chased mom, dad and Marianne from my room when they came to talk to me (and ask me about buying new slippers?) because it was distracting me from the delicate task which was always one cut away from disaster. That added to the negative emotions.

When I switch to task oriented mode, don't disturb me.

I'm usually very concerned with how people feel, but when there's a tough job that needs to be done, or when time's short, I flip to this mode and get it done at all cost.

I don't like being this way and not caring about people, so I only flip to this mode when I must.

But it frustrates me when I flip to this mode and step on people and in the end it shows no results. Each broken pencil added more and more frustration that left me screaming so much I could no longer do the intricate art of pencil carving.

Today's a bad day.

When there's nothing left to burn, you must set yourself on fire

Why is it so difficult for me to find work?

I'm just a decent undergraduate trying to find part time employment during my holidays as a house/toilet cleaner, but every time I talk to people there's so much politics involved I can't secure any jobs. (Parents prefer if their kids do the cleaning, but their kids prefer not to.) It's strange, I'm the one doing an embarrassing job but people feel embarrassed to hire me?

I offer to do dirty, difficult and dangerous jobs that few others will want to do, and you set the price to pay me, because I'm an amateur cleaner, but I'll work hard for it.

I need the money to go watch lion king with my friend. Please hire me?

Outside my Friend's House...

There is a sign...


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Goes Through People's Minds When Reading My Blog:

Blah blah blah...

Blah blah blah...

Blah blah blah...

Video...  How long is it?

Wah so long never mind skip.

Blah blah blah...

Blah blah blah...

Funny picture.


Blah blah blah...

Blah blah blah...

Blah blah blah...

Video... Oh short one... Okay lah load.

Scroll down while waiting...

Blah blah blah ...

Blah blah blah...

Another picture.


Blah blah blah...

Blah blah blah...

Wah this guy very free hor post so much.

Eh the video loaded yet?

Scroll up...

Not yet?


Scroll down...

Blah blah blah...

Blah blah blah...

Why did I even bother coming to this blog ah?

Blah blah blah...

Blah blah blah...

Blah blah blah...




Monday, May 16, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Ultimate NUS Auntie Goes to Expo

The Robinson's sale is now on at hall 5.

I entered looking for dress shoes.

Found a brown one that I liked... but they did not have my size.


Never mind.

I bought toys instead- They were cheap!!!

Oh yeah!!!

Look at the Usual Price (UP)!

3 for the price of like... 1/5 of one? HAHAHAHAHA!!!

And I bought this other box too.

5 for the price of 1!!!

But I bought one only lah, coz this one box looked expensive next to the other set of 3.

Anyway, the Ultimate Auntie got through the express queue (meant for people with only 5 items and under) with 10 items in hand.

Getting home, I opened the box that cost me $10.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Mom, I'm sorry

Yes mom... This is why our floor is wet every time you come home.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Gate of Hope

Marianne's back from spending months in Africa working at The Door of Hope, where abandoned babies were taken in until they could be adopted.

Did you know Singapore used to have something like this before?

I'll give you 10 points if you can tell me where I took this shot.

It was the most amazing sight in my post-exam life

Yes, I did it.

After scrubbing the bathroom faucet I realised that, for the first time in a long time, I could actually see my own reflection in it. This photo was taken after I had scrubbed half of it to show the contrast.

I found a new calling in my life: This holidays, I want to work as a toilet cleaner.

Mom laughed when I asked her if anyone would hire me. "You go clean your own bathroom, then we talk."

So this morning, I did. Armed with some powerful chemicals, gloves and all kinds of brushes (including a toothbrush), I got to work on both mine and my parents' bathroom till the stains were removed and the faucets were shiny.

I was so proud of what I did and mom was willing to pay me for my effort. Whatever the case, if you have a bathroom that needs a bit of heavy duty cleaning, I'm up for the job if you pay me!

You know... I got so carried away cleaning, I was late for my afternoon date.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


This is very good.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nyan Cat / Pop Tart Cat

Nyan Cat, also known as Pop Tart Cat, is an 8-bit animation depicting a cat with the body of a cherry pop tart flying through outer space. While such absurd themes like flying kittens and pastry cats have been around for some time, the surreal humor behind this particular combination has captivated YouTubers and online art communities, spawning dozens of fan illustrations as well as receiving some mainstream coverage in April 2011.

(Click on the image to see it move)

On April 5th, 2011, YouTuber saraj00n posted a video titled Nyan Cat3, using comic artist prguitarman’s Pop Tart Cat animation set to the well-known Japanese Vocaloid song Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya by Japanese artist daniwellP looping in the background. The video gained over one million views in its first two weeks:

In other news, here is slipknot's video, psychosocial. Just listen to about 20 seconds of it. I find it painful to listen to, but I'm trying to prove a point.

YouTuber xDaZJMx11 commented on the original Nyan cat video by saraj00n telling viewers to watch Slipknot’s Psychosocial (muted) with the Nyan cat song playing in the background. The comment went as follows:
Step 1: Put this song to the start and Pause it.
Step 2: Open up Slipknot Psychosocial in another tab.
Step 3: Mute the Slipknot video.
Step 4: Play this song and the Slipknot vid at the exact same time
Step 5: ????
Step 6: 

xDaZJMx’s comment quickly gained hundreds of likes, was featured as the highest comment, and many users began flooding the Psychosocial video’s comments12 with Nyans. As of April 26th, 2011, Slipknot’s “Psychosocial” music video page on YouTube has over 111,000 comments, with tens of thousands reading “NYANNYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYANYA.” This caused confusion among Slipknot listeners, and further spread the Nyan cat meme and its hilarity.

So now you know where the meme came from. Credit for this post to this site.

One month ago today... I found her

And I was over the moon.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dear PAP,

We've been really big at the opposition rallies this election.

That does not mean we've given up on you.

We know you're largely doing a good job thus far.

All we really want from you is a little humility.

That's all.


There is darkness in his eyes.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Opposition Suicide Squads

I am quite amused at how opposition parties have sent so called "suicide squads" to contest constituencies in this general election that they know they have very little chance of winning.

You know what that reminds me of?

The Judean People's Front's Crack Suicide Squad from Monty Python's Life of Brian.

In the satire movie, this group is one of the many political organizations in 0033AD Jerusalem opposing the oppressive Roman occupation and rule. What makes them special is that they are the most well-trained and disciplined group.

When Brian is sentenced to be crucified, they come to his rescue in a daring attempt to get the attention from the authorities.

To the polls we go!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I should have run for elections

Seeing how youth is the big thing in this election, I realise I should have run for elections.

No, I'm not saying I can win.

I'm saying I should have gone and represented the lowest of Singaporeans whom I'm so familiar with.

I would have spoken up for the oppressed, the downtrodden, the marginalized.

The Singaporeans who have been left behind in Singapore's progress.

The villagers who live in Punggol.

I would have talked about how they are left behind. I will bring up examples of the tremors and blackouts that hit Singapore and affected Punggol, but this was not reported in the papers. I will talk about when there were issues with the train line between Punggol and SengKang that lead to only one line servicing our station, but the world did not hear a squeak of it.

I will speak about how we have no community centre. Indeed the Punggol CC is in Hougang. And not just that- Punggol Park is also in Hougang. Punggol Nasi Lemak is in Kovan, and Punggol seafood is in East Coast.

What is there in Punggol? There is no McDonalds, no Burger King, and no Long John Silvers. Punggol plaza opened without any fast food outlets. It had a Watsons and a Hang Ten, but Hang Ten pulled out shortly after. We have no Giodarno or anything like that. KFC only opened in 2009. We have a 7-11, but it is 2km away from the residential areas.

There were 2 cool things about Punggol. Soft drinks that came in glass bottles, and fields to fly kites. But residential area after residential area has come up, and there is little space to fly kites without hitting the LRT line, and with the arrival of NTUC, we lost the glass bottles too. The charm of Punggol was in how rustic it was. But even that was taken away from us.

Yes you may say, "But there is a Popeye's in Punggol!" But tell me, when was it opened? Just before the elections. And it's in a terribly small premises with long queues so much so that I have been there 4 times with my family, but only managed to eat there twice. The whole of Punggol is there getting their fast food fix.

And finally, I will complain about how this is the most exciting election I've seen in my life, but even though Punggol is being contested for, we hear nothing from either PAP or the opposition, and I'm not even sure which group is contesting here. No banners, a few pin up boards of Lee Hsien Long (who is not contesting here), some flags near Punggol Plaza, and the occasional PAP lorry with recorded messages passing through.

But that's it.

Punggol is so marginalised even the opposition does not want us.


PS: This post was supposed to be a funny one, but I think I lost the plot and came out sounding angsty. I love living in Punggol, especially because no one bothers us. It's quiet. Other than the PAP propaganda van driving around.

Election Fever!

Laughing my head off at how the social media is being used.

Luckily the PAP is catching on and George Yeo has addressed us on FB.

Now we're finally hearing from the PAP.

Anyway, here are some terribly funny things I found created by our IT savvy generation.

Okay, I could do this with Paint.

Okay, I can't do this. But it looks so apt!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Pop culture for you! Go Paul!

This is the kind of picture I like to take.

Woah even angry birds is used as an analogy.

All hail the queen. Haha!

You know, these pictures really do draw quite an analogy... Truth to be told, the opposition IS trying to break a well established structure (angry birds), and Nicole Seah's good looks are a big help for her.

I'm just saying they do reflect the ideas of the people.

Here's a video to wrap it up, getting 42,000 views IN A DAY:

Disclaimer: I'm not pro-opposition. I'm just passing on all that I've seen online, and PAP has been slow to catch on.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Follow Up

Indonesian maid charged with abandoning her baby

Here's a link to the follow up article to the one I posted on the buried baby.

The maid that is charged is an illegal immigrant.

Wow the complexity of this whole thing.

Makes sense, but is still so sad.

That video below...

I didn't realise that there was a photo montage at 1:20.

"I will follow you into the dark" is my all time favourite song.

They say, your favourite song is your favourite because it best reflects your life.

Well, what does that say about me?

My life is lived in relation to others.

Or maybe it's not a plural, just one other.

The best cover I've found so far

I love this song, and this cover's really not bad...

No need to watch the video. Just let this run in the background. I find it weird to look at people when they sing their hearts out.

They only sound good.

Exam in the Lecture Theatre

It was an amazing morning.

Truly amazing.

What a day to end the exams.

So I had my very first exam at a lecture theatre.

They outfitted the tiny LT tables with bigger clip on versions.

So the test began.

Mid-way, my lecturer announced that there were chocolate coated almonds and sunflower seeds in front if anyone needed a fix.

We were amused.

Being the greatest Auntie in NUS, I immediately went down to the tune of a few giggles.

I'm not kidding you. This really happened.

The teaching assistant gave my lecturer the ultimate eye roll.

Towards the end of the paper, the lecturer said, "you have 15 minutes left. Anyone still in the LT in 10 seconds time has to remain in the LT."

Some submitted their papers early but had not reached the door in 10 seconds.

"Time's up, sit down."

Confused looks of those standing all around.

"It's a rule, you must stay now."

He is quite a joker, and people really did not know when to take him seriously.

He's a little like me.

"It's a rule. I'll ask my Teaching Assistant to say it," and he handed her the mike.

"You may leave if you've handed in your papers," she said.

He threw his hands up and said, "This is TA usurping power. Like the opposition in this elections."

All this during the test mind you!


But we didn't mind, 2 hours to write an essay and 5 MCQs was a long time.

So much time that I could eat chocolate, go to the toilet, and I didn't finish my conclusion properly.

Anyway, it's done.

I headed to clementi with my 2 new friends from this module.

They said the porridge was good at the hawker centre.

Feels a little sad I must say. What a way to celebrate.

This is not at the Deck btw.

I had to do something awesome to mark the end of the exams, so I took the girls up to the 40th story of the new Clementi HDB.

My legs were weak.

Can you imagine how high this place is?

Compare the block on the right with the other blocks!

Then it was their turn to take me somewhere to celebrate.

The whole afternoon was spent at the Clementi library.

The seats were by the window in the sun.

Feels a little sad I must say. What a way to celebrate.

Oh man and I just realised I'm never going to see Auntie Kim again! She's retiring!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Follow up

On the 1st of April, I posted a video.

Today I saw a follow up one.

Here they are, back to back:

For The Win!!!

I did a presentation on this...

And people did not ask me questions after.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!

I'm so glad my birthday falls on a Monday this year.

Coz that means... 

I get a treat...

From the one...

The only...


manson moon

Awwww thank you Manson!

One month ago today...

I watched Sucker Punch.

Life changing. Slightly.


I feel like Babydoll. Quite often I do.

Maybe that's why I liked this movie so much.

Her dreams are like my dreams.

My dreams too are an escape.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nicole Seah

Has 45,526 likes now.