Saturday, February 6, 2010

Attraction #0


One of the greatest mysteries of the 21st century can be summed up in one question: "What kind of girl attracts me?" This was the starting point of this essay, for after 21 years of life, I realised that of all the closer female friends I had, the number of them which I did not feel attracted to at some point in time could well be counted with one hand. Given such a huge sample size to work with, I embarked on a research project like no other. I was about to study myself, and understand what it was I was looking for in a girl.

*For the purpose of this study, I will be subscribing to the Psychological concept of Self-Perception, which begins by saying that we don't know who we are, but by observing our own behavior we can infer our attributes and dispositions.


When I started planning how I'd write this post, I had a very different idea of what it was going to turn out looking like from what I have now. I had an idea of how I would start writing but had no clue how I'd end it. In the course of thinking, planning and researching though, I came to a much better understanding of the topic. Thus this post will be much more academic than most that I post, and it will (unfortunately) be long. It's an important article though, for me more than anyone, because it is about me, a subject that I need to understand, and the kind of girls I like, or have liked, over the years.

(After typing out the first two sections though, I realised I had already passed the 1000 word mark. Being kind to my readers, I have thus split this essay into several parts that I shall upload in time to come. The importance of this is to remember that what you read in section 1 may not be my complete stand on the matter, but instead a mere stage in my development and not the final product.)

But before we get over our heads, let's start where I originally wanted to start...

To be continued...

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