Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Spotlight Effect

Today I felt pain like never before.

I got my eyebrows threaded once again, but this time it hurt so bad. The lady who did it for me didn't seem very experienced and kept breaking the thread... like 10 times. She said it was due to my eyebrows being thick, which is true, but that is still a lot. The pain was a burning sensation that I almost could not take (thank God the string kept breaking so I had some respite).

Come to think of it, maybe the string did burn up.

Anyway, after it was done, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my eyebrows were of different length and thickness. So I asked her to continue and I could not find the cure for the pain.

In the end, I have eyebrows of even length but different thickness. But I did not want her to adjust them because they were already too thin. Gah.

I stepped into school absolutely self conscious about my gay eyebrows and pinkish raw skin above my eyes and went for my Social Psychology tutorial. We discussed 2 experiments. The first was on regret.

"Think of something you regret this week." the tutor said.

Easy for me. But i was too shy to draw more attention to my brows than there already was.

The second experiment was on the Spotlight Effect. In these psychological experiments, they got a participant to wear a weird shirt and enter a room of people doing a survey. After coming out of the room, the participant was asked how many people he/she thought noticed the shirt.

On average they thought twice as many people noticed their shirt than the real number.

Which means... We think more people are noticing us then there really are.

So at the end of the lesson, I turned around and asked my friends how many of them actually noticed my eyebrows.

And it turns out...

None did.

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