Sunday, February 14, 2010

Attraction #2

The Second Aspect of the First Impression

For a long time the idea of the first impression being entirely composed by the big 3 (sharp jaw-line, big eyes and long hair) stood. That was until Justin was introduced to a girl in a rather unusual way.

Justin's friend was staying in hall and one day, brought Justin to meet one of his female neighbors in the next block. The friend was already at the girl's door talking to her before Justin even reached the corridor outside. This was when the discovery was made. Before Justin had even seen the girl, her voice alone had made him come to the conclusion that she was attractive.

As we look into Justin's past experiences we find that this was really nothing new, but much like the law of gravity, it existed long before it was conceptualized. Further study into his former experiences brought evidence forward that the attractiveness of the girl's voice could very quickly overwrite the physical attraction Justin had for the girl. 

Back in secondary school, he used to travel on the bus with a girl who he thought looked the most pretty in the whole school. He travelled to school almost every day with her without hearing her voice, and everyday found her beauty very attractive. But the day he first heard her voice, which was in a more high pitched and harsh tone than he expected, he stopped feeling any attraction towards her. Thus it was clear that the voice was actually of a higher priority than looks in the attraction scale to Justin.

To be continued...

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