Monday, April 4, 2011


Today during class we were talking about lecture.

Kidding. During lecture we were talking about class.

Our lecturer asked us a question I had never considered.

If you could choose, where you were born, to whom you were born, and what gender you were born... Would you choose something different?

And so I tried to answer it myself:

I'd not change my family for the world.

As for where I was born... Korea seems quite happening now... Maybe if I was born in Korea I'll be Korean... Ah never mind. I like Singapore.

As for the question of if I would want to be a boy or a girl, I stopped.

Sometimes, I feel so much for what girls feel.

More than most of the guys I know. In fact when I read this sign I thought it was for me...

But then again.

If I were a girl.

And I were to like guys the way I currently like girls...

WOAH cannot man...

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