Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I heard a thud at my window last night.

Something had impacted, and had fallen into my room.

I knew it was not something as big as a bird, but it was no small bug

I jumped up fearing it could be a big flying cockroach.

Then saw it, clinging on to my camera bag.

A big beetle.

4cm long.

Completely white.

I managed to capture this white elephant with my pokeball (plastic food container) after a minor struggle. It's feet clung on to the bag for dear life and would not let go.

I wanted to release it, for this truly was something rare, but it needed space.

So I kept it overnight, letting it listen to the entire soundtrack from Sucker Punch.

I slept with the sound of the beetle scratching against the plastic all night.

This morning, I took another look at the white beetle.

I felt lonely. This beetle had come to accompany me.

I wrote my name and handphone number on it's huge shell, and drew a <3.

I released it today at the field opposite my house near the bus stop.

I've not received any calls yet.

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