Saturday, April 30, 2011

Singapore's Elections

This is the first elections since Facebook began.

I'm amazed at how involved my generation has suddenly become with our country's politics.

All my friends studying in the university library are on their laptops and iphones during breaks between readings, checking election news headlines and Facebook updates regarding it.

We are no longer as politically apathetic as we once were.

Honestly, it's in a huge part because of social media sites.

And I'll tell you this, our older ministers are not able to wield the social media weapon the way young people can.

Yes they may be better and more experienced, but I'm concerned.

If they cannot wield the power of social media, they cannot communicate with the young voters.

(Online popularity difference of only about 10 times.)

And if they can't reach the young voters... they lose votes.

By the way, Nicole majored in Communications and New Media.

She may be young, but for just the fact that she brings something new to the table- knowledge of a tool by which to rally support that others are unable to wield, makes her a formidable force in this elections.

Marine Parade will be one interesting GRC to watch out for.

(Does anyone know who we're voting for in Punggol ah?)