Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers' Day

I was asked to do a video for Fathers' Day.

If you were in Katong Presbyterian today you would have seen it.

I got kids to say what they appreciate about their fathers and compiled it.

It's a really nice video. I liked how humorous some of the kids were.

But... you only see the good stuff.

I only put in the good stuff.

See I had to opportunity to talk to youths about their fathers...

And I was quite surprised about some of the things they said about their fathers.

In some cases I was actually quite shocked.

I even had to tell them not to say some of these things to the camera.

I had to make a video to celebrate fathers after all.

But I felt these issues needed to be heard at some point in time.

As I think about myself in future, as a husband and father, and how my kids will talk about me, I tremble. The things I'm hearing now will be the things our kids will be saying about us too.

The burden of being a man is so easily pushed aside in this day and age.

I also noticed something else.

I realised how many missing fathers there were in church.

Some kids declined being filmed because their fathers would not be in church on Sunday to see the video being screened.

Others... had lost their fathers earlier on in life.

I was quite affected.

I never realised how rare it was to have a dad who loved me more than I could ever love him.

Dad, I didn't get to say this in the video...

Thank you.

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