Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lessons and Miracles from Seri Alam

So we just returned from a missions trip to Seri Alam.

There were some amazing lessons I learnt there.

Some of the things I learnt were so extraordinary I consider them miracles.

Here's a list:

Yaoqi forgot to bring his bath towel, but managed to dry himself with my face towel.

Andrew is tone death, but he can whistle in tune.

Ryan was the nosiest kid we had, but Marcus was hiding his talent till now.

I can't kill flies with my hands, but I could do it with a paper roll.

Tate is at grade 2 in piano, but can play half of Yiruma's playlist.

And when he started playing this piece in the home church during one of our breaks, everyone slowed down what they were doing and listened. Those who were in the rooms resting awoke just enough to listen to every single note. Those playing games outside quietened enough to hear.

None of us knew he could play the piano.

And after hearing him play, none of us wanted to play any more.


  1. omo, i can't make up my mind if tate or marcus should be my favourite boy!!!

    (pls do not approve this comment if either of them have your blog address HAHAHA)

  2. Hahahaha sorry dear Kim, Marcus is being eyed by another already. (Even though she says she wants to be celibate.)

    As for Tate... Hehehe... Ask Chris who she's suspecting...
