Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This Week's Singles Anonymous Gathering Was Particularly Emo...

Mainly because we had a new member who had recently... well... been given a status that granted him access to the group. He had not been allowed to join us for around 3 years.

His sharing was so heartfelt and raw it brought him to tears and he needed to stop and compose himself before continuing.

My emotional struggles felt so trivial after hearing his that I didn't even want to share.

As we went around the table, everyone's sharing turned quite emo. After the high from Marianne Lee's wedding, some of us were experiencing the swing of the pendulum and felt depressed, realizing how she was happily married off at 24, and the rest of us were still single, not even close to getting attached, and some even getting along in age.

One began sharing about how their colleagues were already married with kids, and I was reminded of another dear friend Charissa, who was happily married at 21 and now has a son. And he continued saying how his mind wonders about how things could have been different for himself and how much he has still not achieved in life.

Sometimes I wonder how long this group will survive. Yeah we're holding to an ideal of encouraging singlehood as a positive thing, but we live in a society that places love as one of the highest goals in life, along with success.

It's so difficult to be single.

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