Sunday, January 10, 2010


Well... bidding is going strangely, but in all, today wasn't that bad.

(Rachel, Zhi Han, Kim, Mari and Mom thanks for praying if you did.)

It's 2010!

There seem to be some "leaking taps" for me to fix.

And my top secret plans for the new year are yet to be hatched.

And my awesomely cute big eyed panda stuffed toy sitting by my laptop giving me encouragement with each terrible bidding round is yet to be named.

So much work to do. So exciting.

Just watch me go.

Radical, but not reckless.
Fearless, but not foolhardy.
Shocking, but not contradicting.

1 comment:

  1. good that u got ur 5 modules now! now study like never before.
