Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Week in Pictures

Think less, do more.

Talk less, show more.


Someone really lost the plot this Christmas.

It never crossed my mind. (Please use for hand drying only.)

Did anyone notice this from Chris house? It's a view from the top!

All the rest can go fly kite.

My octopus finally took flight. One kite to rule them all.

Sunset at Punggol Marina Barrage.

Her name is Desiree.

So many choices, so little cash. One bubble toy, 8SGD.

*caption not required.

Read it aloud. It will make your day. And mine too.

Same same.

Epic fail/win.

(All taken by my Nokia E71.)


  1. what effects u using?? haha.. looks like redscale film..

  2. Thanks. I'm using er... the lousy quality Nokia E71? Somehow low quality is in now. Haha. For the pic of Zhi Han and the one after I might have taken it through my sunglasses but i really can't recall.
