Thursday, September 27, 2012

What if Pokémon were more... real?

I had always wondered what a Pokémon feels inside a Pokéball.

Does time past? What does a Pokémon remember of its time in a Pokéball.

Then I took a module on Einstein's relativity and I found an explination that helps it all make sense: Pokéballs work by particle acceleration up to the speed of light (which turns the Pokémon into what seems like a red beam of light).

Under this hypothesis, when the Pokémon is speed up to the speed of light, would feel nothing. In fact, it won't feel anything between capture and being sent out because the time would be quite insignificant as relativistic notions come into play. Time would thus pass very quickly outside the Pokéball from the Pokémon's perspective.

So you can keep an injured Pokémon alive by getting it into the Pokéball.

Okay anyway, if this was true, can you imagine what Pokémon would look like in real life?

Some people did...

This Squirtle looks legit.

Ho-oh is incredible!!!

I never want to see this Beedrill in real life!!!

It looked cool in the cartoon, but how did Ash ride this Rapidash?


Okay those were the good ones. How about the ones that didn't look too good?

Geodude reminds me of Voldemort.

The most powerful Pokémon don't look all that powerful.

I miss Pokémon! Okay maybe more like I miss the idea of it.