Monday, May 31, 2010

My Love Goes Free

The greatest moment for me during my holiday at Kapalai, was not when I went scuba diving, or when I swam with turtles, or flew 3 kites in the middle of the sea, or watched the sun set behind the mountains.

It was during the flight back, when my sister rested her tired head on my shoulder.

She's leaving this wednesday night. She'll be gone 10 months. 

I'll miss her.


  1. Where's she going? I wish her Bon Voyage!

    hong ling

  2. I'll tell her. South Africa, to work among the AIDS sufferers.

    Hmm... Did you get as good news as I got for our little Social Media project?

  3. Brave soul, I hope she'll be watched over along the way.

    Ridiculously good news, but I'm not that surprised because Prof was really nice to us. I'm surprised that I got the same grade for Intro to JS though, I keep fearing that they're going to tell me they keyed in the wrong grade.

  4. Yay! I always seem to get my A+ from social subjects not related to my major. Haha Well done!

  5. show off... kidding la, i'm baffled by how people get As, i haven't had this many As since PSLE.

  6. Hahahha. I didn't get many even back then! Hahahah. A Aversion.

  7. I just realised, the only time I could have "bragged" about "perfect score" was at PSLE, but that doesn't count, because they give you yoru aggregate scores too, and that tells you how many points you fall short T________T

  8. WOAHHHHHH lady chillllll! You've been in the Singapore education system way too long man!

  9. same time as you la, what on earth are you talking about?

  10. I'm saying, if you're still complaining about getting As, you've been in the singapore education system too long.

  11. But I wasn' complaining about getting As! I was sighing about how I knew the meaning of perfect score too late...

  12. This thing called mugging. I dislike it. (as opposed to studying) This thing called ridiculously worthy textbook writers, I dislike even more. D:
