Sunday, August 14, 2011

1 Week Later

It's been a week since mom and dad left.

Someone asked me if i'm enjoying the freedom.

You know, I never felt a lack of freedom with mom and dad around, so things are worst now coz i have not just freedom but responsibilities.

I preferred the freedom alone. Kekekeke.

So here's the highs and lows of week one-

On the downside...

It's tough getting up early to do laundry before school. Marianne and I are short of sleep. More so Marianne than me.

There is an insurgency of ants. With us out of the house so much, the ants are back. And without mom around to stem the black tide, we're seeing them everywhere, and it's not coz we're leaving food around. They are in the sink, they are in my cup, they are in the walls, and their lines are too spread out to trace.

We ran out of shampoo.

I held up the ATM queue trying to update 4 bankbooks. I tried to put them into the POSB card slot. When I realised that it did not work, I tried the cash deposit slot instead.

On the upside...

I took over mom's table.

I took over mom's wardrobe.

I took over moms bathroom. (But had to borrow shampoo from Marianne)

The Ultimate Auntie in NUS is extending her territory.

(It started with me going to buy shampoo. It ended with me buying brown and black kiwi, hand soap that can protect my whole family that was on discount, dinner for tonight and bread for tomorrow's breakfast.)

The ants committed suicide in the fish tank.

Yeah anyway I put the plants in the toilet so that they will get the water vapour from my bathing and save me from having to water them. And I left the ants to be eaten by the fish so I no need to feed them, or get rid of the ants.

See? God provides.

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