Monday, August 1, 2011

Free Association

This is one of those songs that makes me feel a little other-worldly.

It's almost as though it's singing of a suicidal kind of love.

As I listen to this I imagine a fog, so thick, over a lake.

All that can be seen is the girl on the edge of the shore getting into a small boat.

She has to go into the fog.

She has tears in her eyes, for she knows this is her journey of no return.

And the guy who is standing on the shore knows this too.

If he follows her, he too will perish.

But he has no reason to stay compared to his love for her.

And so as his tears fall, he gets into the boat and lets go of his life.

Just so he can spend a minute with her.


  1. I have been trying and exhausting every single online resource I know to find this film for the longest time, without any success...

  2. I don't know where! All the stores sell Love Actually and She's The Man.

  3. Marianne Hui:
    My brother told me you've been trying to find the movie "Once". Please stop, I watched it and it was a terribly painful waste of 2 hours of my life! For real, spend those 2 hours baking cookies instead hahahaha.
