Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Harry Potter-mon

I was thinking what it would be like if Harry Potter and Pokemon did a tie up.

It actually works you know, there being so many creatures in Harry Potter.

The cover of "Goblet of Fire" could be Harry trying to outrun a Charizard.

And Voldermort's snake would be a Seviper. (Arbok is a Cobra, Nagini is a viper)

Luna Lovegood would definitely have a Misdreavus, because that pokemon basically has her personality.

Dumbledore would have Ho-oh, the legendary fire pheonix.

Then I realised I wasn't the first to think of this.

Thus began a very fun time googling images made by people who had shared my brilliant idea.

There were some that were weird...

There were some that were weirder...

But then there were some that were outright brilliant.