Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Attraction #1

Physical Attraction

What kind of girl attracts me on a physical basis, what kind of girl catches my eye?

Since I can't put up pictures of the actual girls I've liked here (for that won't be a very nice thing to do) I shall use examples from film-stars for the sake of simplicity. Here are the women who have caught my eye even before I could figure out why.

Liv Tyler, who I think is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Vivian Hsu, the poster girl for Hang Ten, always caught my eye as I walked past the store. Not that there was anything outstanding about their clothing line.

So these two were more or less the exemplars of beauty even before I started getting interested in the concept of beauty.

As I stared as these posters, I soon began to ask myself, what is it that catches my eye? What is it that a woman has that would grab my attention. The starting point I could worked from, was the hair. I love long hair. It's the one thing I cannot have. Thus I relate keeping long hair with the ultimate woman because that is the one major difference between men and women in my country.

(From this point I shall write from the 3rd person, which was the objective way in which I seeked to study myself- from the outside.)

Judging from case studies of Justin walking from one train to another in an MRT interchange, it was found that that the women who caught his eye mostly had long hair.

, originally uploaded by sara fields..

The first thing Justin notices in a crowd of women that are walking in the same direction as him is their hair, for obvious reasons of that being all he can see. Justin would the tend to speed up to catch up with a girl with long and nicely kept to take a look at her face.

Going beyond the hair though, it was difficult to tell which specific facial features Justin found to be attractive. But he knew there were definite features that he liked for he could tell if a girl looked attractive to him within the first glance, even if his friends did not agree with him. Thus there must be a distinction here.

*Note though that the physical attractiveness of a girl to Justin is by no means the ideal standard of society. It is a mere subjective standard, much like a person's favorite colour.

Breakthrough in this research came one day when Justin was standing behind a girl with long hair. As she turned her head slightly to show only the side outline of her face, Justin realised that he could tell if she was attractive to him by merely looking at the side of her face, which showed only her jaw-line, and her eyes. Which thus lead us to conclude that Justin is most attracted to girls with bigger eyes and sharper jaw-lines.

The view Justin saw of the girl showed even less than this side profile of Vivian, who had the big eyes and sharp Jaw-line that Justin was drawn to.

Thus I conclude this very first section on physical attraction with a note: while many of the traits or aspects of what Justin found attractive In a girl have changed over the years, the type of facial feature he was and is drawn to has remained so consistent one might even conclude that it was biologically based. Yet this is not to say that the physical attraction is the most important, or even one of the more important aspects. It was placed first simply because it was the first thing Justin notices. And till this day, Justin has only been successful in approaching a handful of girls he finds attractive and becoming friends with them.


  1. Haha..I enjoy reading your recent posts..xD

    And I've long hair! Big eyes when makeup is on!
    Sharp jawlines when I suck my cheeks in! xP

    Ziwei=Physical attractiveness+Character attractiveness=VERY ATTRACTIVE+VERY THICKSKINNED!xD

  2. Well done! Hahahahahaha.

    I'm glad some people did bother to read. Okay shall post part 2 now then!
