Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Womens' Soccer

Anyone who wants to see empowered women should watch womens' soccer. It's aggressive, it's competitive, it's not for the faint-hearted. That's why it's not called girls' soccer, because this stuff is only for real women.

So there I was today sitting by the field doing my origami as the NUS female soccer team took on the guest team.

After the match, I went up to player number 6 and commended her on how well she played. Since I was the only supporter from NUS, all the home team's supporters unanimously agreed that she was our team's MVP.

And it hit me. Women are becoming empowered. I had just seen a most amazing display of masculinity from these women. And elsewhere in society, women are advancing in careers and taking their place next to or even above men. At the rate we are going, if cloning ever comes to past, all men would be made obsolete soon enough. (Women could clone women and give birth to themselves without a man's help.)

So I wondered... what is the purpose man? Are we soon to be absolutely unnecessary?

And then, Number 9 let out a piercing scream and with terror in her eyes jumped away. A tiny lizard had crawled under her bag and I calmly approached it.

Such a relief. Looks like We're still needed.

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