Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Today God posted on his blog with lomo photography.

I have never seen the sky that colour before. It was like the pictures at Cat Socrates were in the air enlarged 1000000x. So cool. I knelt down and sang "Who am I".

Who am I, that the Lord of all the Earth, would care to know my name- would care to feel my hurt...

I was wondering if I could compare today's sunset to the greatest sunset I've seen in my life, which was 3 Wednesdays ago. Probably not.

Coz 3 wednesdays ago, I saw the girl- who changed my life/who's life I changed- for the first time.

I came down the stairs from the roof today. Guess who was standing there, 2 stories down, twirling her hair?


Sunset girl.

I walked past coz she was doing a rehearsal for something, but our eyes met.

Unlike the last time at the bus terminal where the foggy glasses spoilt everything, this time, I smiled.

And then I was gone.

I still don't think she remembers me. But it's okay. I smiled.


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