Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Time Has Come

I've never been charismatic about my faith.

I've never been loud or reckless about it.

I guess I knew how easy it was to fall, and I didn't want to be a hypocrite.

But tonight, as I sat down with a few adults from church just singing and talking and praying...

I realise I have come to such a stage in my relationship with God that I feel we're steady.

And I have a deep desire now, to say aloud that I love Jesus very much.

I don't want to say it because I know that's what a good Christian boy would say.

I'm saying it because I know I'm in a relationship with Christ that I can put my heart into.

I'm not afraid any more.

Chat window in FB just popped up. Young girl whom I can hardly remember says to me:

Hello.. Just wondering, are u still a Christian?

I think it's time to change my FB religion back to Christianity.

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