Sunday, May 29, 2011

Singles Anonymous Support Group

Hi everyone, I'm Justin here again.

*Hi Justin.*

I've not had a date for 2 and a half weeks already. It's not been easy, but I've been fighting it and I've not allowed myself to be emo.

*Nods and slight smiles from the group*

I think I've passed the initial stage of the cold turkey and I feel more secure about being single now than I've ever been before.

*Visibly wider smiles of affirmation*

Now having said that, I think I am ready to go out with girls again.

*Smiles turn to frowns. Murmurs all around*

Look, I may be going out with my girl friends again, but it's different this time. I'm not... I'm not as insecure about being single anymore. I'll be okay.

*(whisper) Looks like he's going to be a member of this group for quite a while.*

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