Friday, July 22, 2011

I was a little overwhelmed today

Heading to school for matriculation, standing in line with so many others queuing at the health centre, visiting and signing up at CCA booths.

I guess I was afraid of losing myself in a school of thousands.

Who was I in this vast sea of people?

I was a senior now- I trembled at the thought. I'm on the verge if another identity crisis, but such things are so common they are almost a non-event.

The last school year had been amazing. It was well lived and satisfying.

Yet that made the expectations of this year even greater and more burdensome.

How was I to go through this year without all my graduating friends?

How was I going to survive without my parents?

I'm scared Lord, of all I'll need to sacrifice and give up to make this year count for you. Grant me the strength to endure. For your glory.

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