Monday, July 18, 2011

We're forming a team...

Reservist for the past 2 weeks.

Found out my job has been changed due to a shift in the way our army works.

(It's difficult to blog about army stuff coz I got no pictures to show, and have to be careful not to reveal anything restricted or classified. I'll be vague thus when I post about the army, and focus on the emotions more.)

The officer in charge of my team told us that in this transitionary period, our roles were not clear, thus we could contribute ideas on what we wanted our team to be like- what we should be equipped with, what we should be trained in, and what our mission should be.

I suggested they equip us with bullet-hard kitanas, reactive plate armour, camera-guided crossbow rounds, Delta-6 Accelerator Suits and train us to fly jets.

Oh yes and call us Alpha Team.

Also known as G.I.Joe.

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