Thursday, March 29, 2012

The eczema is spreading round my wrist

This morning, I had to wake early for the cable guys came to fix up the fibre optics.

Had to move the furniture around and clean up the dust from the drilling.

I don't respond well to sudden changes.

The essay topic I picked for the assignment due Friday just won't do.

I spent the night researching in the library but could not find anything substantial to write 2000 words on.

2 days from the deadline, and I'm changing topic.

Eating combat rations for dinner.

People ask me why I'm always doing last minute work.

I'm rushing the deadline for friday's essay only now because my other essay was due today.

Why didn't I do the previous essay earlier?

Well cuz i had another deadline to rush before that on Monday.

So why didn't I do my very first essay much, much earlier?

Because this is Arts. If your lecturer has not covered it in class, what exactly are you going to write about?

Today at lecture my lecturer taught us something essential to the essay I will be writing one week from now. So even if i had no other essays to rush, I could only get cracking on this essay at most one week earlier.

Now you understand why I'm showing the symptoms of stress?

It's coming towards the Easter weekend.

I thought as I completed my assignments things would get better.

But no, more and more things are on my plate and I simply can't cognitively process so many things.

Next Tuesday's last fencing training before competing.

Next Wednesday's Easter lead-up service to attend.

Next Thursday's essay deadline.

Next Thursday's worship leading.

Next Saturday's fencing National Trials.

Next Sunday's worship leading again.

The practice for the worship on this Saturday.

Dear Lord... please keep me away from the black mercy.


  1. there's google and reading your readings ahead.. if really want to get started earlier.
    but anyway yes maybe something might have to go?
