Monday, September 12, 2011

Adele is 3 days younger than me

I have trouble believing this.

Not the part about her being born in May though.

I saw that one coming. (Don't ask me how, I just knew.)

But I really cannot tell the age of foreigners.

The introduction she did at the beginning of the video moved me even more than her moving song that followed.


  1. I love this song as well! I feel that it's a well-written song and that the lyrics are able to bring out a lot of emotions both in the singer and the listener!! :) I think Adele is really talented!

  2. Yeah that's true. I really wondered how someone so young could know such painful emotions.

    Heh I thought it was only me.

    But then again, there was Taylor Swift...

  3. Mmm, I think that some people are more sensitive than others (okay, not 'think', it's a proven fact) and so, they'd be able to feel (& express) emotions more acutely than others! So, maybe, you're a Highly Sensitive Person as well! :) [You can search the term!]

  4. My goodness you just figured me out! This sounds so much like me. Haha and I just did the test online too!

    "Self-Test Results:

    You have indicated that 22 of the items are true of you.

    If you answered more than fourteen of the questions as true of yourself, you are probably highly sensitive. But no psychological test is so accurate that an individual should base his or her life on it. We psychologists try to develop good questions, then decide on the cut off based on the average response.

    If fewer questions are true of you, but extremely true, that might also justify calling you highly sensitive."

    Hahahahah.... a lot of questions are very true.
