Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Brain

Is pain.

Yes there are bad days.

Then there are those days when you get to sit next to a pretty girl in the train for the entire trip, and midway through the ride when you realise she's noticing you, your nose decides to suddenly mimic a waterfall.

Yeah there are those days...

I sneezed no less than a hundred times on Saturday.

My head still hurts.

I wonder if it is just because of the sneezes, or if there has always been something wrong with my brain, but it only hurts when i sneeze for a whole day.

It's the start of recess week, and I fear for my sanity.

When you meet so few people and spend so much time with your books in the library, you begin to go a little nuts. I spent the whole of today studying the portrayal of rape and revenge in Indian movies, and widow burning in real life. It's not stuff you should be filling your head with too much.

My greatest fear at this point though, is how given so much time to sit and think, the demons of my past and will come back to haunt me. As I learn more about this fallen world I'll be reminded of all the stupid things I've done and all the people I've hurt.

It always happens. I spent a good half and hour today watching the sunset on the roof of the library and praying for deliverance.

Pray for me. I can't really tell you about it.

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