Saturday, September 17, 2011

My dreams of late have not been great


I dreamt one of my sunday school boys was a sorcerer.

He was about to teleport through a portal gate he had opened with a spell. I was trying desperately to see this miracle firsthand as proof to my disbelief. Pushing through the crowd that didn't notice what he was conjuring at the clothes hangar rack, I saw him open the wormhole, but as he stepped through the hangers, I was pulled out of my dimension and woken up by a phone call from marianne at 7am saying she forgot to upload her assignment.


I woke up at 6am in tears.

I dreamt I was Harry Potter, appearance included. And I was living out the scene where his wand broke, and all hope was lost. I cried, being so overwhelmed with emotions, even though I knew from the story that he/I would eventually be the rightful owner of the elder wand and defeat Voldermort.

But Harry did not know that now, and so he cried.

And since I usually put myself in people's shoes in real life, doing that in my dream makes me become them.

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