Friday, September 9, 2011

If last week was a week of emotional distress...

Then this week is a week of academic duress.

I'm behind in my work, half coz of all the things I had to settle last week.

Thankfully most of it is sorted out by now.

Today I realised I was falling behind both in studies and fencing.

It was especially the case for the 3rd lecture in a row on Einstein's relativity that I could not follow.

I had the tutorial for this module later in the day, but I had to see the school doctor in between lessons. That made me very stressed because I feared I would be late for tutorial in a subject I was falling behind in.

I reported sick for foot-rot, and was sent to the lab for skin sampling.

The good news, it's not fungal.
The bad news, it's just me.

So I've got to live with it (and live with myself) for the rest of my life.

The doctor gave me a solution that would help turn my feet purple for the rest of my life, so people would not notice there was a skin condition. And she gave me a discount. Man... It's good to fall sick in NUS. We're on a welfare system.

But after all that I was late for my tutorial. Missed almost a quarter of it actually. I really struggled to follow the tutorial, but just could not understand the mathematics. It was so exasperating.

Had this been primary school, I might have cried.

Had this been JC, I would have given up and switched off.

But this was uni.

And so I trolled.

"Excuse me," I shouted from the back of the tutorial room, "how much of this will be tested in the test 2 weeks from now? Coz you're saying this is all simple mathematics, but I really can't do any of it... I'm from Arts."

Of course the whole class turned back to see which dumb idiot could not do simple binomial expansion, but I was glad I spoke up.

Yes I may not understand what you're talking about, but you can't silence me.

Yeah awesome then I went for fencing and spent most of the time training a new sabre fencer as though I was some skilled coach and then lost the only bout I fought tonight with the score 15-1.

Then I was silenced.

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