Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So Hard to Recall Names

I went to get my notes from Yat Kah. I saw her sitting next to 4 fellow students I had just met during last week's tutorial and they found me familiar.

Dude: Do you remember us?

I pointed to him and replied with his name: Nicholas.

"What's my name?" The girl on his right asked.

Now pointing to her, I answered: Hui Ling.

"Mine?" The girl on the left asked.

I turned to look at her and said: Joanna.

As my finger trailed to the last girl, I hesitated before answering.

"I'm sure you've forgotten my name," she said.

It took me a while, but I finally recalled: Si Jia.

The group was clearly impressed by my memory.

The girl who was the first to test me commended me, saying:

"Well done Benjamin!"

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