Saturday, December 11, 2010


Today I had the most satisfying Sabbath I've ever had, as far back as I can remember.

I usually take it on Saturday, but seeing how much work there is to be done tomorrow I took my Sabbath today instead.

I took a long walk all the way from Vivo City to NACLI, close to NUS.

Saw some fantastic sights along the way. I even thought I saw a unicorn.

It was really just a time to unwind, to enjoy nature, and totally forget the world.

Observing nature can be the greatest way to learn about life. Look at how all these flowers are actually one and the same, just at different stages of blooming.

I tasted flower nectar for the first time today.

Spending the morning with the bible (finally finished reading Job), the day with nature (surrounded and lost in it), the evening watching city lights, and the night in prayer, made today the perfect model Sabbath for me.

I greatly hope to follow in this tradition from here on in.

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