Thursday, February 10, 2011

Devil and the deep blue sea

Religion and Film lecture.

This was the lecture I cried out to God in because I felt so alone.

Today I came in and sat next to my new friend. Kinda.

Then I noticed a girl in the back row was from my Inequalities module.

I guess I remember her now because she presented on the same topic as I did on Monday.

I said hi. And as I did, Christine walked pass and we were surprised to see each other.

"I didn't know you were taking this module!" She said.

Christine was the writer of the other play I'm acting in and I love her epic script.

"I didn't know YOU were taking this module too!" I responded.

"I'm not," she replied, "I'm a teaching assistant."


Religion lecture was immediately after. 

(Yes, my modules are highly overlapping. I study 2 for the effort of one.)

I was sitting between Yaoqi and a drop-dead gorgeous girl.

The teacher briefed us on the upcoming group project and said we could form our own groups across classes. 

Just after I had asked Yaoqi if he and his friend wanted to work with me, the girl on my left offered me a place in her group with her and all the good looking girls (and guy[s]).

Now I had a choice. Tough one, tough one.

But I was reminded of what happened exactly one week ago today. It involved a situation that made me choose between following either a girl or Yaoqi for lunch, and I did what I thought was right and went with Yaoqi... and was blessed beyond measure.

I told the drop-dead gorgeous girl I can't join her group.

I've written down what happened last week, but I dare not post it because it's too easy to identify the girl I'm talking about from the way I wrote. (As in anyone who reads it will know who she is, even if they do not know who I am. So I shall not post it... just in case.)

But if you want it, drop me a comment. I'll mail it to you.

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